KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. [​IMG]

    So cheese looking for a way out  the old my current clan owner asked me to contact u, yea right cough cough BS  cough cough

  2. I'll post here since others might ask as well, and I'd rather not repeat myself.

    An altercation occurred between -Alison- and a member of KotFE. They were engaged in a 2 vs 1 - Alison's target was using a main and an alt to attack her. Then Alison went to help a friend in I.S.S finish an EB. She explained that she was being pinned and needed to xtal to help. They asked who was pinning her. She told them, and I.S.S pinned Alison's opponent so she could hit the EB. Alison asked them not to get involved.

    The KotFE member took this as a sign of escalation, and he called in the rest of his clan to hit back Alison and the I.S.S folks. Some sort of agreement was made between KotFE and I.S.S regarding the hits on their members, but the rest of KotFE continued to pin Alison.

    This frustrated her, so she made a quitting thread in which she explained that she was upset that too many war clans refuse to fight a 1 vs 1 battle. Every time she hits one of them, their entire clan jumps on her.

    I posted my opinion on her thread. I said that I was surprised KotFE members couldn't handle 1 v 1. I also criticized their leaderhsip for failing to call back their troops after the I.S.S situation had been resolved instead of keeping their troops on Alison and calling her a liar, and claiming that she supposedly asked I.S.S for help, which wasn't true.

    I continued posting support for Alison saying that I seriously doubted the validity of KotFE's arguments, and that what they said happened was very out of charachter for Alison.

    After that, they put their entire family of clans on me.

    As a result of that, I created a satirical recruitment thread in which I mocked their clan, history, leadership, and members.

    That thread got locked, so I created this one.

    Ever since then, they've been stalking me from clan to clan, attacking the clan members and leadership for "harboring" me.

    TL;DR version - KotFE misunderstood the situation with Alison, escalated it, I stood up for her, and now I'm being attacked by a family of over 300 seasoned war veterans.

    And it only took me one day to get all of their undivided attention. :mrgreen:

    Yes, I am, indeed, winning. :cool:
  3. How the hell do you interpret that as looking for a way out?

    Are you all THAT desparate to show that you've "crushed" me? :lol:

    It hasn't even been a week yet!

    I thought you all were supposed to be a seasoned war clan! :lol:
  4. Lol if u wasn't looking for a way out what was u looking for ?
  5. This is what the clan owner posted in cc:

  6. And *were not
  7. I was complying with the clan owner's request, you pathetic toolbag.

    You think I'm gonna ask for a way out of this? You're smoking ******* crack!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Hmm this is going to get interesting
  9. Keep passing that SS around pal like it's some kind of war victory and stroking each other off, if that's what floats y'alls' boats. :lol:
  10. KotFE - Keep on tryn'a Frighten Everybody

  11. I've had about 10 Kotfe in my news 

    Just like old times. Cept all it took was words this time and not pinning their OSFs 
  12. Lol well u did ask for a way out , why would u obey a clan owner from the 3-4 clan u have run to , ur all mouth no trousers, but ur words are becoming a little harsh , u mad ?
  13. If you're that desparate to chalk up a "W" on your side of the board, then you can go ahead and put that up on your delusional scoreboard.

    Why would I obey the clan owner? Hmmmm... lemme think about that one..... maybe because I'm a guest, and I respect their authority when I'm in their home.

    I'm not mad about the situation - I'm getting angry about your level of ignorance.
  14. Vader isnt jigsaw you back peddling yellow bellied coward.
  15. Ouch, that is pretty suckish Cheese! I laughed at that though. Keep fighting, like Mel Gibson's in Braveheart:

    Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade all of that from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take away our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!
  16. Where are you getting the idea that I think it's jizzmouth?

    Are any of you in this alliance capable of clear, coherent thought, or do you all have your heads stuffed so far up eachother's asses that you can't see, hear, or think any more?
  17. What a newbie. :cool:
  18. Oh, Lordie lordie lordie. Epic, epic speech and delivery on Mel Gibson's part. It was so inspirational.

    Good quote, and nice timing to post it, Furnifold. :)
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