KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Lol idk go ask mrs cheese  I turned her from milk with my deep mixing paddle after I added some enzymes
  2. Reading war threads on PC would be terrible. All you huge clan guys use every damn emoji in one sentence.
  3. I am having a hard time with them, too, actually. I'm on PC.
  4. Random observations I'm going to throw in. A) Losses shown don't really portray much about strip wars as most damage is done to a player through steals not through attacking the players. Yes attacking them can keep them pinned but the stripped player is stolen. Those stats portray more than simply losses. Also your failures when attacking another player (and yes ebs) show up in your total losses. For all we know a players losses could be because of their fails not an opponents successes. B) Cheese, you simply just don't have the gold required to strip some of the larger KotFE members, and the CR ones either. I sincerely doubt you've over 10T in pots after the 25% loss selling them. So I don't think your threat of "seeing your friends naked" is really a very valid one. Anyways. Just random inputs and observations as I said before. Have fun y'all.
  5. Thanks for posting.

    First, I have no quarrel with CR. I've had a run-in with them before, and they proved to be a classy bunch.

    Second, of course I don't have 10T in pots. I'm not even HLBC yet.

    I'm not an idiot - I know I'm not going to be able to strip their top members - that would be nearly impossible for a person to do alone.

    What I can do, however, is terrorize their other members with less value in allies.

    I won't ever be able to break them on my own, but I will absolutely be able to terrorize them.
  6. Lol no smart ass reply to my joke about ur mrs cheese ?
  7. Or u still trying to think of one 
  8. I guess cheese melted and run away 
    Ask ur mrs what this mold is on my mixing paddle it's smells like blue cheese
  9. Trouble, I was thinking the same thing. A vast majority of my battle losses come from failed attempts at hitting the EB. Mr. Weezal didn't really think his argument through. Not to mention he has almost 5000 losses, and he called someone out for having 300.
  10. Cheesy a whole 20B 
    Terrorizing KotFE 

    Yup your right they are nice ppl, I joined them for an epic a week or so ago.

    Can't calculate stats on new buildings correctly and threaten to quit. 

    Dang your a fun delusional read.

    Think I write a Thread ;

    What you need to know about Cheesy and Terrorism. 

    Question? You on the "No Fly List" yet?
  11. [​IMG]
  12. What are you talking about?
  13. Dionese... Please learn how to spell 'you're' correctly.
    Aside from that, your comment was neither relevant, nor did it make very much sense at all.
  14. Wait. What Vader said was a joke? Here I thought jokes were supposed to be funny.. I suppose I've been wrong before.
  15. Lol cheese, that's how I looked after my mixing paddle got stuff growing on it , what did ur mum do to it ?
  16. Mum jokes - your wit is mind-blowing.
  17. Obviously better than urs bro no reply I'm still waiting 
  18. Kotfe are so amazing they have to resort to bashing my wife's account all because they got butt hurt at my very truthful post. They are true warriors
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