KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Your head is so far up KotFE's ass, I can't tell where they end and you begin!

    I guess you're afraid of a repeat of that last whoopin' their subclan put on your main clan, huh?

  2. You would know all about heads up asses, wouldn't you? Get the lead out and realize you're nothing to them. They move on and use you as a public troop disposal.
  3. You're like the little barking chihuahua next to the pit bull.

    arf! arf! arf!

    Go get 'em, KotFE!
  4. tex he is somthing to them if they keep trash talking him and farming hes very important to them
  5. I have 3 clans worth of fanboys.

    It's so funny watching them all come in here, raging over me.

  6. I just found a picture of cheese, to my shock Alison made him from one of her old gym socks and his her Noob puppet


    Alison plz take ur hand out his ass before u get finger that stuff is hard to get out from under ur nails
  7. Thankfully, socks do not produce feces. So...
  8. Mmm, I'd like to make a correction. You're important because of the money you give them. I assume they trade words and insults with you because they can't stand having their reputation trashed by something such as you.
  9. Sounds like you're speaking from experience. Been satisfying yourself much, lately? :?
  10. Lol an army of fanboys against "warriors"

    The most epic war ever
  11. See cheese, I once respected you because you made intelligent conversation. Bashing clans like this, however is neither intelligent nor a wise move.

    I bid you farewell, because a certain admin will probably eat me if I continue to trade words with you.
  12. The money I give them? They're essentially breaking even on attacks. On any spy action, they're definitely losing.

    Your argument is invalid.
  13. Nah, dv and I have an awesome "open relationship" u jelly?
  14. You see it as "clan bashing." I see it as sticking up for my friends.
  15. Ha! I am eagerly awaiting The apology thread. and yes cheese, you are a boss. :)
  16. Is it sad that I know what movie that gif is from?
  17. Thanks! :mrgreen:
  18. Stay on topic nobody asked what movie it was or asked if you knew
  19. And you stating that is off topic. :roll:
  20. ?? was that suppost to be a smart looking comment??
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