KotFE the Cowards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 21, 2012.

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  1. Rusty: a prime example of someone who can only say something like that behind a screen, can't even post it on a main, really sad and pathetic like one of those kids who talks smack behind a wall of his friends.
  2. Btw I don't like amatuers
  3. @Hells

    Running your mouth isn't fighting.
  4. Blah blah blah Kotfe is bigger than the clan they are fighting. Kotfe will win its simple numbers.
  5. Excuse that last post wasn't what I thought was on my paste
  6. I pinned several kotfe members
  7. Sword, numbers isn't everything, its what drives u
  8. Didn't someone named Ajax take on ZAFT by himself and win?

    Think that proves my point
  9. See I don't exactly like Kotfe. Don't know them too well, but I knew a couple members and they didn't exactly impress me much. But cheese u sound like a ******* moron. Pls stop typing. I hope Kotfe kicks your ass.
  10. Good luck with that hells. Winning is all based upon perspective. If you are stripped and have nothing left to lose and they decide to move onto another target I guess that could be considered a win because you never officially gave up. They just got bored
  11.  Personal opinion,

    If you guys say you don't care about what the people say or think, if you guys are over it and are just fighting, if you guys are just defending your friend, why in the world do you keep making threads about this? I have seen a lot of them, like seriously, if you don't care, what makes you think we do?? 

    To annoy us and make kotfe look bad? I mean, its not working, your just making yourselves look bad.

    If i was defending my friend i would just do it and not write it every 5 mins so that the whole world can see am a hero that helps my friend.

    That kotfe are cyberbullies? I saw the ss, well, ok, it was not ok, so what, let the devs work on that, you proved your point. Done.

    You making all of this threads, seems like you guys are actually recruiting people to feel sorry for you to help you fight against Kotfe, thats all your doing, "Kotfe the cowards" really??

    And, again, i do not have any affiliation with Kotfe, but you guys would look much better if instead of posting so many threads, you would have only posted 2 of them, 1 when everything started, to show the reasons as of why, and 2 the end of it, who won, who apologized, etc, done. Nothing more nothing less.

    Seriously, your not annoying, your not funny, your not cool, and your not a hero, your just calling pitty to yourselves.

     happy kawing.
  12. I wuz stripped twice believe, and I didn't care

    But I know we stripped several kotfe members as well

    Btw the first time they stripped me it was a fail. They took a 17 bil ally and farmed 2 bil out of me, all I did was upgrade :lol:
  13. @Brut I believe 3 threads were made, one was locked and deleted, the other was locked and currently in revision, and this one was locked and unlocked.

    The screenshots on other threads weren't made by us
  14. AJAX is/was awesome! Not a thread maker! Do not try to be like him, noone will ever be! A true warrior!
  15. I believe they were posted by your friend -alison-. I think. Might be wrong with so many threads.
  16.  King of Noooobbsss
  17. Lol that was for harry
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