Didn't OP get farmed for being a smart ass and commenting against KotFE? He sorta brought this upon his own head.
Yes Tex I wuz farmed, yes I stripped, all for standing up for a friend What kotfe said/did wuz wrong, and I hope they pay for it
@Hells No, you didn't stand up for just a friend. You ran your mouth like a *****. Go look at the locked thread, all you did was spout off at the mouth.
Same thing, sorry if I'm ruining your 'KaW Fantasy Life' .. Don't mean to, but really though, you gotta go out some more mate :lol:
Yea I got to get out more , stuck at home reading this is boring, can't wait to get better And get some beer
You really don't know ur facts do u? I fought as well as ran mouth, as cheese did, we were making fun of them in both ways