KotFE the Cowards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 21, 2012.

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  1. Your support was BEFORE. Therefore you took up arms.
  2. IGCB - I support ISS but I don't take up arms and fight their wars, does that make me subject to being targeted by a whole clan?
  3. Support for a friend does not constitute an attack against her enemy.
  4. Cheese I seem to remember a situation we had were I was attacked by many of your friends in support of you and unprovoked by me 
  5. Unprovoked by you? You really wanna dig up that ancient history?
  6. Had I Amy business with them ? No mine was with you.I never attacked anyone
  7. You booted the clan founder from his own clan. That's a pretty clear action.
  8. *any
    *No, mine...
    *...you. I never...
  9. Don't care enough any more to argue.

    Have your words. I'm out!
  10. And I am still intrigued at how a player(Cheese) who over and over has retired but is somehow still here. I mean as recent as last week you made that statement for the 100th time. But really Allison is your friend you spoke out for her ok we get it.

    But just as in any fight, war, squabble whatever if it's ok for you to get involved the friends of her enemy's also have that right. It's just they weren't yip yapping here they were pounding your ass.

    Again my thoughts but who am I right 
  11. I want to put up a funny picture to lighten the atmosphere. I have been warned by KaW that these photos could get me forum banned. Can only think of 2 ppl that would tattle. Apparently they are attempts to derail the ever lasting thread about this minor issue. So before it goes around in a never ending he said she said,
    Cheer up, it's just a game.
    If the title was" Help I'm being Farmed cause I called out a Clan"
    would you care? Would there be so many repetitive rebuttals.
    Two clans are in osw and we hope are enjoying themselves.
  12. Let's just all be friends. KaW has too much hate! 

  13. Quick throw up a picture of John Lennon I can't.
  14. I'm sick of this arguing....

    Now you all have two options:

    1) that guy over there, yeah that one sitting in the corner said he will farm you all if this arguing keeps going

    2) my favourite we all get naked and just hug it out...
  15. 3) stare at John Lennon until you pass out, and when you wake up, Ringo Starr will feed you chocolate cake provided by Toast
  16. I like chocolate cake.
  17. Good, good. Hehe. ο(· ε ·)ο
  18. NO Nouveau..no chocolate cake...


    In the chocolate cake, it has pineapple juice flavoured strawberries...
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