KotFE the Cowards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 21, 2012.

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  1. machinegun,

    That was regarding an earlier conflict. Not with kotfe
  2. Harry, I'm serious, drop it, this will not get off topic
  3. Harry,

    That's what figures of speech are for - they're illustrative.

    Saying "whatever makes you happy" isn't as colorful.
  4. Its the same conflict regarding alison and kotfe. Thats all i know. I can be wrong though.
  5. You lot are talking, I'm simply talking to cheese about something said on the thread, and who likes colourful things, colour is so last year :roll:
  6. Machine gun,

    That convo was not regarding kotfe.
  7. Does that thread exist?
  8. Hmm I shall just lurk and read, take all the information in I will not change the subject again hell
  9. I want this to be a discussion/hate thread

    Not a language arts class
  10. As clearly defined in the rules of conduct this thread violated:

    -You may not bait/troll users. Bait / Trolling is defined as posting with a clear intent to provoke anger, incendiary posts, and behavior that results in other users violating the Rules of Conduct.

    As others have pointed out and complained about this violation.
    Thread locked.

    If you disagree with this decision please appeal to Support@AThinkingApe.com
  11. Upon further review and discussion with fellow moderators I have reversed the lock on this thread based on the following reason:

    The Rules of Conduct statement about how you should make your own thread if you wish to bash a player or a clan. This activity is permissible, on the grounds that this is a war game and we don't all hold hands while walking through fields of roses. Clan bashing needs to stop when multiple threads bashing the same clan appear, as it is spammy and will result in the duplicate topic threads being locked or merged.

    My reason for locking the thread originally was based on the Rules of Conduct statement about not being able to make threads with the intent of angering people. Such threads would be ones that say "Christians suck, Mislims are stupid, I kick puppies or what ever blatantly pointless obnoxious thing you can think of. It's called " flame bait" and is expressly different than a good clan bashing thread.

    My thanks to Moose for providing this perfectly reasonable solution to what appeared at first to be a conflict within the Rule of Conduct.

    With this thread unlocked I remind people to keep the war smack talk to just that.
    Do not post things that are harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, vulgar, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise offensive, or use discriminatory language. Also do not provide or solicit personal information about yourself or any other person.

    I will be reviewing this thread often.
    Those violating the rules of conduct or the terms of use will be placed under review by the developers and may have their privileges in the forums revoked.

    Thank you all for your feedback.
    Happy KAWing.
  12. And Moose and the rest of the mod team. :mrgreen:
  13. This will be the last KotFE post on this thread.

    At KotFE we are family, we have fun together, I have personally met members in RL for dinner or drinks. Yes, it's only a game, but the bonds formed and friends gained have always been a great part of the gaming experience.

    "So they have always been heartless"

    So now we are being called a clan "bullies" for standing up for each other? In my family, if a brother or sister makes a mistake, I don't tell them to "deal with it alone"...I help however I can to get them through it. The same way we handle things in clan.

    The current issue with alison, I admit 100% went too far. In defense, we all should know when we see parts of conversations; things are not always what they appear. However the comments made to Alison were unacceptable, the Wendy issue had further dynamics I will not get into, and the kotfe members discussed it in length in an effort to understand and make sure it doesn't happen again. Pls remember, the block button is available to all of us, use it when tempers flare or word vomit starts.

    Beyond that, KotFE is fiercely protective of its members. We are family. Our extended family CR/TS/WoG all play the game the same way. People join our family for the people, the knowledge, the wars, the fun and of course the peace of mind of having 500 friends/brothers/sisters looking out for them.

    We will always stand up for our members, defend them, help them grow, learn and support them through good times and bad.

    For the open harassment of KotFE in forums Alison and Cheese will remain max targets of the family. Others who show up in our news will be handled as we see fit.

    @Cheese, next Friday, go to the bar alone, walk up to a guy twice your size with a bunch of friends all hanging out having a good time. Talk ****, make sure u believe it and it's your honest opinion. Then when his buddies are holding your arms in the ally behind the bar while he pounds on you, tell him that it's not fair! You wanted a "1v1" and should be able to voice your opinion.

    So please stop the 1v1 bully crap. We are a close knit family who defend and help each other, and I am proud to to be:

  14. First of all, that's not how it went down.

    I never talked **** until AFTER I was targeted, so get your story straight, wannabe chuck norris.

    Second, you're missing my ENTIRE point about what my opinion is of your clan.

    If I had picked a fight with one of you, I should expect to get my ass kicked, but I didn't. Your clan picked a fight with me.

    You don't get to ride around on a high and mighty horse claiming you're just "looking out for family."

    This goes way beyond looking out for family.

    This is about a bunch of over-sensitive punks who have to hide behind their clan and friends and look for any excuse to come after others. The reason for this is beyond me. My best guess is there is some psychological void that some of you need to fill. It's a war game, I get that, but you don't get to be condescending toward me when your actions show your true character.

    The fact that I had the BALLS to post my opinion with my main compared to you all being so insecure about yourselves that you have to jump at any comment that appears to offend you is sufficient to show the difference in character between the two of us.

    We'll both have different perspectives.

    We'll never see eye to eye on it.

    Until then, you keep doing what you do, and I'll keep doing what I do.
  15. The other thread had maybe 25-30 pages of useless crap. Most of it wasn't even related to the topic. Reason? It was played out. Bash who or whatever you want, but it's repetitive.

    Cheese thread should have been locked along time ago. How do you keep a thread going if you keep repeating the same **** over and over? Spam is spam, saying "KoTFe hasn't done **** to me" and "KoTFe hasn't done **** to me in 2 hours" is the same thing.

    I'll get this thread locked, just like the other one. The first pages of cheese' threads had some humor but it slowly drifted into the same old juvenile crap.
  16. Nicely well thought out post chuck.
  17. @Cheese

    You showed support and took arms with Emily, so KotFE hit you. Just like anyone who supported you. You made the thread to show how "bullies" like KotFE should be hated. Blah blah blah, you ran your mouth and they put it to work. Stop crying like **** talking was gonna fly with them.
  18. My thread came AFTER their attack on me.

    Nice try though.
  19. Err Emily, I meant Alison.
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