KotFE the Cowards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 21, 2012.

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  1. I'm pretty sure I pinned u twice, I would know
  2. Took me 73 steals to pin you, And you said you literally had 3 inc .... Lmao !
  3. At that time I did, yes
  4. Your backing a losing horse playa, Alison started a 1v1, violated that 1v1 whether she asked for help or not, she violated it, why did she tell the clan who was pinning ?
    Because she wanted them involved !
    If she hadn't, she wouldn't have told them who was pinning, as ANY clan would pin back... As for the foul language, there is a block button that she refused to use, because she thrives on playing the part of the victim ..... I wouldn't hold your breath waiting on an apology from KotFE
    Let this be a lesson for all, if you poke a bulldog in the nose enough times, he will bite, you are the only one still ranting about this, not even Alison is now..... Grow up
  5. @Hells

    A member has informed me, no one CFd on you. Scrub, they simply got bored of you, you have nothing. You don't hit them.
  6. I was told that there was a cf on me, and I didn't ask for it

    As for knee, idc if its just me
  7. Who told you? Was it Cheese? Assumed you'd go grow? Then bring another clan into the mix? Cheese isn't protecting or fighting with you, he's making you his meat shield.
  8. Yes it was cheese, yes he wanted me to grow, no he doesn't want me to bring another clan

    And idc, I'm gonna grow, then kick ass
  9. Keep telling yourself that.
  10. How do you plan on growing when you can't control your mouth ?
    You can't come into a game like this, with your stats and run your mouth like your the lone ranger coming to the rescue, and expect to grow, unless you spend a lot of real $$$$
  11. I think I can run my mouth knee, I hav every right to
  12. Doesn't mean you'll grow effectively if at all. You think you have a CF yet you run your yap? LOL.
  13. Wth is a "yap" use English plz
  14. I said "run your mouth AND grow"
    You most certainly can run your mouth, but like a squeaky wheel.... It does get the grease, so by all means run your mouth, I'm having a blast !
  15. Nicely written Nervere ! You hit the nail on the head there !
  16. Yes, you wrote that very nice, and covered all the points, I'm saying .. to what you wrote
  17. Secondary note ... If you meant the "run your mouth and grow" line, No, that was not for you
  18. @ sir knee to the noob. You speak like you know the situation, but like most of the halfwits in this forum, you have no idea, as for me not having any sdp , of course I don't, I am the clan farm for a family of 5 ish clans, they burned away long ago, but despite being pinned round the clock. You will see me in your news for a long time which your smart mouth will enjoy. Keep on wasting mith noob. You're going to need it
  19. I'm glad we got that misunderstanding out of the way Nervere.
  20. Oh... Sorry Alison I was referring to someone else not having any sdp, not you, ask hellsangel he knows
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