KotFE the Cowards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 21, 2012.

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  1. How many kotfe members hav we stripped? Answer that
  2. U know what, u guyz go ahead and talk it up with ur noob friends, I'm going to football
  3. Btw we hav stripped a lot of kotfe ppl if I'm not mistaken
  4. ...ok...?
  5. You're mistaken. Show me a naked/potless KotFE account.
  6. He has the stats to strip?

    Watch out we got a bad ass here.
  7. @Hells:

    Not really dude lol. I mean, I don't know the whole background story, but from what I've read, all you two are really doing is crying at this point
    Add to that that you say you don't really care....If you didn't, why do you keep posting? (Just like another poster pointed out on the thread) To prove a bland point that's pretty much dull and gray?

    I mean *at least* cheese had a solid enough point in his thread. You're just mimicking his thread and threw in your own "heroic" p.o.v. Lack of originality honestly.

    And your thinking is narrow minded at best, because I *highly* doubt it was just a one way attack that started this lol. I don't know the aforementioned "victims" by KOTFE, but I doubt they're wholly innocent.

    Just give it up, save whatever you have left lol.
  8. Wow, bragging about taking 10 billion if that. Guess you need whatever victor you can get.
    So now to the main point. Hell stop crying and being butt hurt. Either put up or shut up.
  9. This is still going? :shock:

    I see the only progress made has been adults picking on someone who is clearly a minor (hells).

    Good job, IGCB and Co.

    I commend your genius, courage, and nobility. I'm sure your parents would be proud.
  10. The "heroically innocent knight in shining armor" card tends to get quite old cheese. Very fast. Just giving an outsiders advice.
  11. An "outsider" in CR Academy?
  12. Anyway, ill be back later to check on this.

    Have fun picking on the weak and defenseless. You guys are really cool.

    I'm sure all of KaW is lurking in disbelief of your amazing accomplishments here.
  13. I don't know these people, barely started playing KaW recently. If I know about this "grandiose" issue, it's because I've been reading forums.

    And assuming you'll use the "you're lying because a noob can't find forums that easily" card, this is the third ATA game I've started to play (hence knowing where forums are).
  14. God forbid anyone trolls a forum troll.

    At least cheese can admit his groupies are weak. And apparently defenseless too? I thought you guys were the "terrorizers?"
  15. Oh Gentlemen language please.

    IGCB go fondle the blue one. It will calm you.

    Omgosh your much too excited over this little war
  16. Hellsangel.... You are so worried about Alison, when was the last time you checked on your love ?
    I have it from a good source, she doesnt own any sdp now.
  17. Stfu noob I pinned u twice
  18. You hit me 4 times.... Uh oh,... That's against ToU
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