KotFE the Cowards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Aug 21, 2012.

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  1. Hells...The TOU says you can only kick someone out if they're spamming or bypassing or flaming or whatever. In any case, you can't kick him out.
  2. I'm not even going to argue with you. Your replys say it all.
  3. He can kick you from te thread if you spam, and swear alot, he can't kick you for no good reason,
  4. @maka read the op, it explain where the cyberbullying came in to play, I didn't say that farming was cyberbullying
  5. Hells your intelligence is about amusing as a puppy trying to push in a one way doggy door. At first it's like "Aww, he's trying" then it's just plain sad.
  6. Says the guy who didn't know wth he wuz talking bout through half this thread
  7. Ah ok
    Still ...."cyber bullying", or whatever u wanna call it ..is what u make of it. It's just words lol. People have to take those words to heart for it to be " harmful" or what not
  8. Hells, point out where idk what I'm talking about. I've been in this situation a lot longer than you have, moron.
  9. Guys, come on...let's just forgive and forget. :| Please?
  10. And anyways ... Kotfe as a clan is not a cyber bullying clan. LOL
  11. Hells, just walk away while you still have some dignity left

    You're getting owned by grope do much so, that even your writing is being affected. Your point is bland at best, not very solid o_o
  12. Lets see, u thought twice that all cheese and I were doing wuz talking it up

    When we were/are actually fighting kotfe
  13. [​IMG]

    Scary stuff 
  14. I really don't care if I'm getting pwned, Igcb can kiss my ass

    I still hav my dignity
  15. Fighting? Lol the maybe 10 INC's in 3 days is fighting? Or pinning a few irrelevant sub clan members? Watch out, KotFE might back down! Dumb ass.
  16. Umm with respect... Saying that kinda makes you lose it,
  17. Your mother should have kept her dignity and spit you out.
  18. Protip: people might take you a little more seriously if you didn't spell like a 12 year old girl in AOL chat.

    And cyber bullying doesn't exist. If your fragile little feelings are so damaged by KotFE just put down your device and walk away. Problem solved.
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