kotfe strip

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -BREEZY-, Dec 4, 2014.

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  1. I still haven't even started on my list of ppl to strip farm from that event 
  2. I would strip selfie but she is already naked and got hit for massive shards. This is like 5th time Mighty Tron has been compared to skinnyminny!

    All HailTronTop 1000 Thaumulite Shard/Farm ChampionVoted Top GH 2014 by KaW Magazine
  3. Drow. What was it, a year ago when ZAFT Faith stripped you and kept you pinned till you retired? I was there, I remember how much you cried. Barely took a month for you to write that lovely eloquent retirement note.

    Funny,you trying to act big now. :lol:
  4. After reading all the post I'm staggered to see the outburst.

    1 op was stripped - why
    2 op was cleared out in PVP - why, cause he was stripped
    3 op was not hiding his allies-why?
    4 op raging in forums - ops not going to grow again....
    5 op quit- why because he would not speak to a Kofte clan owner.

    The truth is this is a war game, it's not what you know it's who you know. I fought against Carnage, Fury and a few other lb clans for the PVP promotion.

    Ironically i was bombarded by a few members after speaking to a few friends in the clan the clan attack stopped and the battle returned to PVP.

    I finished 3529 shards in the top 500 if it was not for a great warrior taking 1700 from me with help I would have finished in the top 100 but you have to remember I still stole every shard I had so am in in the wrong for farming people? Or is it just a war game where everyone chased shards and some like the op lost. Perhaps the strip was the only way To keep op open. If you don't ask you will never know.

    Forum post Is war suicide btw
  5. o_O bunch of noobs cry talk crap cry some more blah blah blah hit someone or shut up plain n simple
  6. C0ML3Y/Jake, maybe you should stick to trolling pal groups and staying inactive. You do that best. :lol:

    HB stl. Oooh. Ouch. Bring it muppet. 
  7. Too busy taking selfies to defend your shards? Lmfao. Can't wait till next PvP event

    The Tears Continue Many Moons After Kaws "Beta" PvP Event. Please don't tweak the next one too much, let the dynamics of pvp run rampant thru KaW , players must evolve, it's hell fun that way
  8. The strip was after the event.
  9. so here's the thing...

    During the PVP event , great people were farmed hard - we loved it. But after a good farming (damned if you had that blade) we would all move on to another player, Heck we all got past the 5 hit rule fast

    A few people sat on the same person/people the whole event day after day. Using the excuse of it being an event to act like idiots and to farm people they wouldnt dare look at any other time. this was totally out of the spirit of the event

    And how many times in this thread has it been pointed out? This was a Sparta Elite Strip - Apoc and KotFE helped clean up with steals.

  10. Errrr, who are you exactly? If you made a player quit then they obviously weren't any good anyway. I'd be careful bragging about that, I heard ata are including that in harassment and breach of ToU These days. Maybe just strip farming someone is enough.

    You made people drop build? To what exactly, nothing?

    Never heard of you, all I've seen is your ridiculous spam everywhere, normally people like that end up having boots they can't fill.
  11. Word vixen, just because it is an event don't mean some NOOB can sit on an osw warrior without experiencing what it's like to be an osw warrior. We don't mind inc but if you want to act like a boss don't cry when you get your ass bossed
  12. Boom tim has spoken now run along nothing to see here
  13. Yeah I mean why sit on someone the whole event. Just do what I did:

    1. Make note of who's persistently feeding.
    2. While letting them farm you all week, track them.
    3. Organize your few targets in TZ order.
    4. The night/day before the event take all the shards you can from the people that have been feeding on you all week.
    5. Self-pin for 15 hrs until event ends.
    6. Pat yourself on the back for ending the event with 5163 shards all in one nights/days work.

    However, it did cross my mind to strip those that consistently fed on me while I was away, sleeping, or inactive. After all I did track them.

    Regardless of what people think I am pretty sure Breeze deserved it.

    ️Don't ask why, just let it happen.️
  14. Sadly I think the next event if there is one will be an opt in thing not opt out.

    Devs make too much money off seals and xtals to make the growing eb crowd un happy with another event like the last one. And these after event strips on eb fairies wont help the case for another event.

    But at the end of the day its a game, stripping is part of the game, op got stripped. Time to rebuild or move on.
  15. @RIO (chuckles at name)

    You mad bro? The pain is evident. Allow it to fester in your soul, lack of self esteem will perpetuate the infection of butt hurt syndrome in your weak eb fairy system of play. Does it pain you? Will you re-visit this post in wonder, Contemplating your next post, trying to best me? Guess what? You heard of me now, so I will let that thought eat you inside. Please don't kick your dog cause your mad at me infidel.lol, damn I'm good
  16. Tron did you self proclaim yourself best gh? isn't that like giving yourself a nickname? doesn't mean **** until you're proclaimed by public. You're too small to be best at anything except maybe having the biggest ego.
  17. Hope you learnt a lesson op 

    And as for the list we currently have saved for a rainy day

    It wasn't just sitting on certain people it was the weak Attack builds doing small strips to open a hansel up. Sorry but we in osw you wanna strip into a clan expect to be stripped. Like I said to many mouthy people in pm. Yes we Prob won't strip you today or tomorrow or even next week but we will in the end. 

    Sweet dreams ️
  18. Wow... Just wow. I don't have the words, not will I lower myself to your level just to prove how little you know of this game.
  19. I hit biff in the event I'm sure. But I quickly moved on. I didn't get stripped.
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