kotfe strip

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -BREEZY-, Dec 4, 2014.

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  1. Yup a lil *****, just like cannon cuz he cant 1v1 and needs his whole alliance. Sure what ever you say
  2. You know, OP, I really feel bad for you.
    I haven't spent a cent on this game, and gathering gold for me takes a long time. Plus, I used to be part of DE two plus years ago or so.

    Honestly I hope that everything works out. It seems that someone had a grievance to you, and as they are my clanmates I can't really help you or go against them - but from one KaWer to another, I hope everything works out and you'll be able to get back what you lost overtime.

    But I guess this did serve it's purpose to not mess with KotFE/Apoc.

    Now I'm scared of my clanmates as well. O.O
  3. Yep.

    I'm guessing the people in this clan were abused as children so don't judge too harshly.

    They're like the stereotypical group of bullies roaming the school playground looking for that loner kid they can beat up and steal his lunch money.

    I'm sorry your step dad beat you... But you followers are pathetic. Just sayin.
  4. Nope. We are that stereotypical type of player that plays a game to win even if it means making countless people cry in forums and dream up "they don't play fair" scenarios to make themselves feel better about the fact they just got their kingdom handed to themselves

    No rules...just kick assedness. Deal with it and go have a beer

    Way to bring out the stalts and talk about cowardice️
  5. Did you really just blame the strip on Daddy issues ...

    :roll: I swear there needs to be an idiocy test to play this game.

    **** with Apoc. Get ****** by Apoc. Simple.

  6. Nah actually, most apoc are really good respectable warriors, but a few rotten apples like cannon ruin their rep

  7. You must be the clan comic cause DAM you so funny. I be very worried if anyone cared about my opinons. Think for yourselfs people , dont follow the mindless zombie crowd.
  8. Bro, stop right there. Quit while you're ahead. Until now I've seen you in a sympathetic light. I still do - but resorting to the cheap insults (which I myself might very well do if our situations were swapped, even so,) is not a good idea. Maybe follow/wall some leaders of Apoc, especially of KotFE and SE to find out why you were stripped. They might tell you, they might not. It's up to them.

    Just don't be rude, even though you just lost 6months worth of work; play it cool.
  9. You know... I haven't really decided how proceed. I don't really feel like trying to rebuild my kingdom even though people have offered to put me up in hte clans.

    I'll probably just retire. But in the meantime, I think I'll be hitting you.

    Feel free to call in another clan strip. I'll be sleeping at the same time tonight. ️
  10. Doubt he'll get much from anyone after this thread.

    Take it from me, best way to get any answers from anyone in clans like KotFE or ZAFT is to ask directly. As soon as you take it to forums you've made it a public affair.
  11. So next PvP event, anyone from a non war clan can't hit anyone from apoc or they will be stripped or clan farmed? but its ok for apoc to hit them becuase they have strength in numbers. Ah ha. And I'm guessing if someone from a big war alliance hits an apoc player like one said in ss, it'll be sorted out 1v1 or even just hits returned. No honour in this game, I guess.
  12. ^Seriously man, please check your information before you start accusing all the bigger alliances of having no honor.

    EDIT: Or "honour"? No idea. If you're American, learn how to spell. If you're not American, you're good.
  13. I can't "quit while I'm ahead" - because I've already lost, and cheap insults are all I have left.

    As much as I'd like to have your respect, I'd rather have the 8.5 trillion that was taken. It's not likely that I'll get either.
  14. I've been in Awakening since the start of the event, and was witness and subject to quite the gangbang by numerous clans. War clans and EB clans alike. There was no hard feelings whatsoever, and the only time it really became personal was when insults started to get thrown around on walls and in wc.

    I can't and won't speak for anyone else in any other Apoc clan, but from what I saw it was all in good fun.

  15. I'm trying to help you get your answers, Breezy.
    You're right though, I should've said "Quit while you're behind", not "ahead".

    But the reason I say this is because the best you can do is ask the council of Apoc clans, though as of now I'm not so sure you'll get your answers anymore. You might've gotten them before, but I'm not so sure you will now.

    Read Inferno's post on the bottom of last page.
  16. hes not crying hes not looking for empathy it is clear that the op is looking for answers jeez people
  17. Then he should take my advice and ask directly.
    Better yet, that should've been the first thing he'd done after he got over the initial shock of the strip.
  18. What exactly would I ask them for? I posted ss of the only interaction I had with the dude.

    You can see for yourself.
  19. I'm just going by ops account, if theirs more to it then fair enough, alls fair in love and war.
  20. Follow and post on the walls of most or all of the leaders of KotFE and SE if they can please tell you why you got stripped. Wait patiently for an answer for two days. If you don't get a response you're out of luck. And for all you know it might not have been them, but chances are it was one of those two, probably KotFE based on the comments in this thread.
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