kotfe strip

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -BREEZY-, Dec 4, 2014.

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  1. They don't get that money from hte, its those credit cards and Palringo groups ;) I cant accuse anyone of buying banks but... *cough*
  2. When inactive attack builds speak, I want to puke :roll:
  3. No, this is typical for a war clan lol.
  4. I loled so hard on this post, its cheaper to make your own bank than to buy one if you know what I mean haha
  5. But I like story time!

  6. Considering you mentioned a third party app which doesn't support any sort of in game activity I would think you are accusing of just that...suppose that post won't be there long anyway

    Care to not hide behind an alt and make that accusation? Or is being a coward just in the blood?
  7. It's a family thing, when a clan posts a strip in the apoc room we all go for it. Zaft, wdgaf both do the same. Whatever you did to whomever isn't my concern or KotFE's. We do appreciate the forum love though ๎˜ keep it up we love forum hate.
  8. @Front, my main is butt naked and potless, and I can't use him so why would I let you hit him? Kotfe doesn't know how to 1v1 that's why all mega alliances use their CAs. They are afraid they may get owned by an unknown or not well known player.
  9. Im unkown /.\ Hit me please
  10. You couldn't be more wrong bud. I challenge you to find ANY apoc member unwilling to fight 1v1!!!

    But if it comes down to a strip, then there is one golden rule. It doesn't matter how much the strip is, we clear as a family. If the funds were worth using for the strip, then it is worth using any means to clear it๎€Ž
  11. Eclipso, you're sorta known, and front why would it come to a strip? Wouldn't they be able to handle the 1v1?
  12. To clear a strip you need a lot of steal, unless your spragga to clear a strip alone.
    OP, you don't know/remember name of at least one of your allies?
  13. Not to get involved, but you can speak of other apps as long as you are not advertising and such.

    Not a mod fanboy or anything like that. Just something I learned not too long ago. I use to think the same thing.

    That forums alt doe... another story.
  14. cause strips are apart of the game.
  15. Because not all situations are the same. Sometimes a strip is warranted because actions or words were made in insult to the clan more than an individual. So in those cases there is no 1v1. Just a clan target.
  16. This who doesn't have an ss of all their allies lol?

    OP what exactly was the point of this thread lol? You've just given your enemies even more infamy...
  17. 1. "Sorta known" :| Um... Im touched? :lol:

    2. Spragga. Spragga doesnt need SS.

    3. I dont SS my allies... :lol: strip me please
  18. Eclipso, I've seen pictures of you.. I'd sure touch you all night bby :*
  19. I'm unknown. Streep me first.
  20. Im a 69 yr old guy named stacy
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