No, because I don't want to. You think your so good, grow and then try it. Go on, fill those boots instead of running your sissy little mouth off
I'm above your petty taunts, like I said, you wanna have a go, grow some, then grow some balls and hit my NF
Congrats KotFE and their family, yall should get an award for this, don't like you guys much but I am inspired by the results of this forum.
What's an NF ? Non-fairy, new terminology to help an eb fairy save some sort of self esteem as a Wanna be half warrior/half fairy alt who fights part time? Save it. Next...
Thanks for proving how noobish you are. NF means newsfeed, dolt. My name has absolutely nothing to do with Brazil. You wanna test me then your gonna have to grow puppy.
I am a Noob, top 1000 shard farming cool one too, did you lose your shards at last min and drop to 500? Is that the source of your discomfort? I lost a 1000 in last hours and still beat you and barely missed top 500 by 271, relatively speaking, you suck, I own. Please try again.
From a booty hurt responder who I've pinned for over two hours straight no fails. You should know this and pay your respects as my new pet sloth, but u were prolly to busy taking a selfie
Farming new people to the game and small alts makes you by far the best pvp'er in the game. Your skill at tapping buttons is legendary.
Exploited the game intelligently and strategically is how I like to view it. Any above average gamer knows this, games are games, figure it out. Devs are not geniuses, just average, semi decent marketers milking a half dead game that you pawned your moms ring to nob up in... Next.
I see, so milking noobs is the fun way to play this game and most intelligent/strategic? Damn I thought the game was made for people to grow their kingdoms and battle their way to the top. Boy was I wrong.
As for the nobbing up comment. If your mums jewellery is too cheap to buy you a seal, you could always ask which trick was your daddy and see if he will buy you some for your birthday.
Think school must of started, they normally don't allow first school kids to have phones on them so expect a response from him later