Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. I don't get all the hating on PS build. IMHO Its a legit and smart build when facing overwhelming odds be that numbers, a well funded clan, or accounts much bigger than you. Its the guerilla of kaw builds.
    Disclaimer I only went PS to do s4 but apparently PS need over 2mil sdt #Dooope
  2. Wash put it best about PS. It's truly the most useless and gutless build in the game. Scout scout pew pew.....dead!! No balls to use, no strategy to use, no glory in any possible form aside the potential to run some successful steals on large SSD.

    hmmm just thought of one attribute I suppose. You can act a fool and talk all the mad crap you want without any real repercussion. Reminds me of guys who talk all their smack from behind a fence lol
  3. I guess Front but when you are outnumbered, out spent, and out sized no amount of skill will get you by against a legit war clan as Hansel or attack build. I am in no way supporting BH, just my 2 cents on a build. Which is off topic so I'll shut up now.
  4. Dear WDGAF,

    Can you *please* *please* *please* teach KOFTE how to fight?

    Love always,

    *mumbles something about 53 members of AOW leaving in the last five days*
  5. Getting crushed with dignity is still better than getting crushed without it IMO. Either way you are useless if you are against odds. To me it comes down to what you can do with what you have regardless of funds and strength. A ps will always be irrelevant in the worst of times, and only be mildly relevant in the best of times during OSW.

    EE is completely different purpose and generally an alt anyway. So using one there is a bit different.
  6. That much war runners ? 
  7. @ Wash

    Why would you get incoming? We are deathly afraid of KOTFE and your 29483920 clans, remember?

    If you did get incoming, you'd be here claiming victory for succeeding in diverting us off of AoW. And we'd have to kick all our members and recruit racist forumers.

    Jeez bro. Stop crying about it. If you want incoming, go hit Striptease. They apparently are done unlocking their HTE and are ready for OSW FABLOUSNESS!! <gay hands> Total beeth.

    Plus - they are all ex-BH. You hate BH, namembah? Scumbags. They remind me of those little mice that come out and steal the crumbs that are falling off the cheese we are all wrestling for.

    The cheese of victory, bitches.

    Well, back to the war. We have the super AoW family to tend to. They are so super awesome, dontchathink?

    Their love of OSW rivals that of Striptease.

    Black Hand has gone full beeth.

    Back to your regularly scheduled program.

  8. And yet more
    Bh request cf than aow

    Stop cryin bro
  9. :lol: <--------all rights reserved
  10. LOL that actually made me spit out my coffee - and isn't it "spirit fingers" hahaha - Willy you should have come here instead of BH - your talents would actually be more effective. And as far as mare leading KotFE - I'd back him in game or out - one of the most fiercely loyal and driven people you could meet.
  11. Too bad willy would never be welcome in a real clan. That's why he jumps from crappy clan to crappy clan.
  12. :lol: <-----last one, I swear.

    I'm sure Alpha and Regulators would beg to differ on your definition of a "real" clan...though I am having more fun here than I've had in both the above mentioned clans.

    Glad you're a fan though, bro. You are one of my favorite lords in all of the many hundred million KOTFE clans.

    Now, please excuse me. I need to get back to my schindig.

  13. Willy you should refrain from posting in forums until you can manage an intelligent thought.

    My clan may be small but I wouldn't call a single one of them a ***** unlike 95% of your CR.
    Hell y'all given out tags to people after three days.

    Y'all ball sooooo hard. [Total sarcasm]
  14. Iiiiiiiiiiiii wonder if one day that you'll say that you care, if you say you love me madly I'll gladly be there, like a puppet on a stttttrrrriiiiinnnngggg. Hang on what are we talking about

    o_O 
  15. Is there a pre-written template somewhere I can download for your clap-monkey war banter, Barbie?

    Your whole clan came here to piggy back on KOTFE's war initiative. You're attempting to copy KOTFE, and failing for two reasons, and I will explain specifics on why, as to not confuse you, Missy:

    A. You all are ineffective at OSW. You're not making any impact. Try harder.

    B. You are horrible in forums. Being careful to not say "the worst" in forums, your rectal injured posts are likely to be nominated for "Best Actor/Actress in a Daytime Mini-Series Drama" in some third world country.

    I'll ask you politely ask you to leave this thread. KOTFE made this thread for all of us BH to cry all over, not you.

    You aren't Black Hand anymore.

    Let it go.

    Maybe you should finish your bottle of whiskey, and go to sleep Barbie. You're drunk.

  16. Darling you have no idea do you?

    I don't care what anyone thinks. And certainly not you.

    You say one thing, but really mean the opposite. If I didn't bother you, your mostly fail attacks wouldn't be in my news feed. I don't know if this is your feeble attempt at reverse psychology... But the more you post the sadder I feel for you. I've never witnessed this extremity of patheticness until you. Its a game... In other words you're just the entertainment. You can say whatever you want about me, but at the end of each day I'm still ******* fabulous- regardless of how some moron judges me.

  17. Looool where do u get all those gifs from ?
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