Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. here I'll make it so you don't have to post with idiot rhetoric. nu uh you're a (derogatory term here) nu uhhhh you're a (derogatory term here) just copy and paste because it sums up anything you could say.

  3. @ king slayer - those memes rock lol - also I wouldn't care If every member of KotFE hits your clan, don't like it? Stop us - that goes for any other "virtual hardass" on this thread too.
  4. I completely agree Duna  <3 inc <3 pvp but I'm just not good at bull crap.
  5. Nightmare is the way he is, always has been. He doesn't act this way because he is a leader of KotFE, he is a leader of KotFE because of the way he acts. Anyone that feels the need to question our leadership knows where to find us and how to do it. You play the forum game? So will we, you want to talk in news feed? So will we, we'll just be exponentially better at it than you, any way you try to come at us, it doesn't matter.

    King slayer, you ️ inc? You ️ PvP? Sorry to break the news to you bud, the only reason you're on our radar is because you talk mad ****, you're good at that as for PvP and inc, you're terrible, no wonder you joined BH. Get in where you fit in I guess.
  6. Obviously, slayer, you are good at it, since that is all that's spewing from your mouth right now. I personally have stayed on you a lot; blame that on the rest of your clan playing the "oh I am gonna drop all allies and go PS simply for strategy and not as a last resort" game. They essentially threw you to the wolves, because after half an hour scrolling through Black Hand cr, one gets tired of looking and drops troops on the first non-PS, non-dtw she can find...slim pickings at best. Yet still, no incoming. Our little clan has stripped a few of BH ourselves, yet all we see is the roster conspicuously dwindling, more so than AoW it seems, and I certainly don't see KotFE losing anyone or even breaking a sweat either.
  7. Dear god kofte bh  anus u have no idea how use ps build kofte ur only winning cos your so many lol know some of u know how to war but others jumping in with tough comments
    Same with bh tbh
    Get over ur tags half bh don't deserve carry the tag
  8. Winning is winning 
  9. Umm I think it's #winning is Winning
  10. It's not even possible to "not know how to use a PS". You get pinned easier than any build in KaW, but can take zero losses and hit whenever you have time or whenever you feel like it. There's nothing strategic about it. It's for the lazy KaW player. Some days I wish I was a PS so I could not give a ****. But I have more pride than that. It's when a whole clan goes PS and hardly gives any inc that it becomes pathetic *cough* BH *cough*.
  11. Lmao this is the second funniest thing I've read in forums since I started playing an Only outdone by vals alt army mr biscuit thread now thats smack talk of the funniest caliber take note lol
  12. I'm not posting to trash talk I'm simply posting to let u know believe it or not ur not our main focus just set tight wash ur coming up bud promise! I know u getting antsy just be patient
  13. In reference to page 77,78, Magoo nor I were kicked from bh. I left disgruntled because bh council arranged a cf for bh members, but not our guest magoo who was the FIRST to jump in against kotfe for a bh member. Hence 6 weeks and 90k inc 
  14. ^Plus a couple others moved on due to that also. No kicking was done at that time.
  15. Actually, the cf Ty is referring to was arranged by one council member at that time, no others were aware til after the fact, as shown in Nightmare's ss posted earlier.
  16. King slayer is a toilet brush
  17. This thread never ceases to amuse me
  18. Think many people, including me, agree
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