Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. Rinus if you wanna be a target I suggest you get some attack buildings, pots and allies. It will help you become a target :lol:
  2. Rinus your spies are zero an you're a pure spy with no gold out. You want inc get a better build get some allies/pots until then. Your ass is irrelevant. Wonderful to see bh garbage having a ps as there council with nothing to lose. Probably has a hidden main growing while rest of his clanmates suffer from his **** leadership
  4. Swod OP has asked you leave thread please refrain from posting and attempting to derail the thread please
  5. like i said b4 ps is osw build.

    att build is a fairy build.

    but why do i need adp or sdp and allies.

    are you fairies so stupid.

    pls Rinus buy some pots and allies pls pls Rinus

  6. Ps is a build you go when you know you have 0 chances of winning an osw. So you got that part right I guess. We begging you to buy pots and allies? Nope. You're a nobody. You asked to become a target, we told you how to do so. Is all of BH this dumb? Or just you.
  7. Talk about crying to mods..

    Ps is a strategic build choice :roll:
  8. lol find Rinus his main
  9. Olino beating Kuks...we are only supposed to beat BH. Which I think they have already been beaten senseless lmao hence all the idiocy from them in this thread.
  10. "Strategic"

    "God dammit they stripped me of all my allies and pots, you know I'm so scared of them I'm just gonna go PS so the big kotfe meanies can't hit me anymore"
  11. Actually, oli, let's backtrack a little. I was fail stripped of 68b by AoW which I banked, as anyone could see by checking my pots are not burned, not even close, and I'm happily sitting on plenty of bronze bars to continue stripping AoW, since kotfe like failing on me too much. However I see they did 'strip' a friend of minds old account of 60b, :lol: what a huge loss that must've been.
  12. Xtreme seeing as you are so small you can barely hit anyone, it makes sense you'd be ignored :lol:
  13. Just ask Derty machine, just unloaded a full bar of pot burning on him. 2 wins without pots 

    Oh, and I can hit nightmare as well, so if by you "anyone" you mean top 50/60 on lb. Then you're right.
  14. Sorry I guess you consider your fails effective :lol:
  15. Nightmare is top 50 LB  that's news to us.
  16. Apparently they teach you guys nothing. You ever heard of pot burning? Guess not, since your guys pitiful attempts at it suck. 
  17. Please oli, please do show me where I said that. Or perhaps you had better repeat first grade you moron.
  18. Given Made thousands of inc, and all he does is fight us on this thread. Sure I only won 1 assassinate, but he refuses to return inc. Maybe he should stop being a Forum Warrior,and enter my feed.
  19. Rinus stop crying about no inc then
  20. Pot burning on a 10k pot hoarde. Hmmm yup extreme u burned a whole whopping 20 pots with that unload...lmao cept Im at the bottom ranks. And its still going to take u years to burn me roflmao. Top ranks of KotFE are safe from this idiocy
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