Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. Nightmare because he doesn't want to get destroyed
  2. more alts yip yappin and jaw jacking?
    go to church
  3. Nightmare ide join a side in this OSW but the only panzies with 8M SDT worth hitting are on Regulators Roster.

    If you need that much SDT in OSW to play it safe and not use real skill then you should go EE instead. Not bein scared to lose Gold because you don't got the badass factor of not getting stripped.

    Plz Note: i left the mechanics side of the game weeks and weeks ago. It took regulators 1 month to put all 5T out on me...️
  4. The only one crying on this fred is koofy, chit squard who are they?
  5. Lwp bro, I'm seeing Alot of butthurt against a clan not involved with the topic of this thread.

    You're better than that.
  6. I don't even know the bum but he in love with me. If he had any allies id add him to the mix. And I'm not even in the war. Only awakening is.

    Who is hizzy ? He has a parent with a lb account ? Do tell
  7. I have 6m sdt. And more enemies than I can count. Because I actually play kaw and hit everything.
  8. Former BH who's obviously fallen out with them, likes to talk himself up, big whoops he's back on KAW, seriously who gives a crap tho he's male version of Roni
  9. Did I read it took Regs a month to come up with a measly 5t?? RIIIIIIIGGGGGGGHHHHHT
  10. AA, spell check plz and ty.
    willy! fail at posting a failing img? its ok lil buddy, itll be over soon....only dreams now 
  11. Rediculous amoug of people who are lacking in reading comprehension skills, the ignorance is to high in this game now adays. Which is why i'm doin somethin with my life now️

    Now knowledge is real power.
  12. Amount* my bad.
  13. Ridiculous* your bad
  14. You wanna use that knowledge and learn how to spell? Thanks for sticking ur nose in my thread. I'll be doing bad things to ur dad now, he really shoulda raised u better
  15. Too funny u try to harp on people about reading. But are the worst speller in the thread.
  16. Spelling mistakes happen when you lay on your side on the couch trying to type- i wouldn't call them mistakes but rather typos in this case... Of course i'm on the couch laying down before class and have nothing better to do but talk to a nobody over an internet game.

    Nightmare you sure you're not ireg twin brother? He hits my dad all the time when i make him look like a fool.

    TNT- not butthurt at all bro️- when i was referring to the 5T strip, i was merely giving a pre-statement of my current state of nakedness to prevent looking like a hypocrite when i was talking about being hard to strip not by having big towers like all you people but skill and dedication. If you don't get what i mean you have me in pm for pal?... I can go into more detail.
  17. LWP, thanks for giving me a reason. 
  18. The funny thing is. When u say I'm like ireg and therefore he's like me. I don't know that either of us take that as an insult. Lol

    Ur dad prolly don't think it's too funny. We will have to ask him.
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