Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. Lmao. Is wasted that arrogant to think all 283 KotFE clans are pinning just him.

    You are purely a target within the list of targets bud, Nothing more. Don't be so vein. All amounts will at some point not be hit or pinned. Happens when targets are prioritized.

    (But in all your prowess I'm sure you knew that)
  2. Amounts=accounts
  3. This whole thread just confirms what I have been saying about noob hand. At first I thought; how do their members feel that fight with their mains while BH leaders leave their main out of war and just fight as a tiny purespy? Better yet how does BH allies feel about this? All these clans were ready to jump in while you hid your mains.. Your alliance should drop you for being so selfish and noobish. Kinda like how RPL(Role Play Legion) dropped you. But I think they dropped you so they could do more drunken role play with Striptease. :lol:

    What is the point of hiding a main? Why have a KAW account that is "not a war account" so you can just look at it and smile? :roll:

    Being a purespy takes no skill, its for idiots that do not know how to play.

    Apoc has also disapointed us.. I thought you were gonna crush the Omlets? What happened? That was gonna be great to make those goofs look bad.. Instead you choose to fight Black Hand, a bunch of loud mouth children with no resources
  4. BH leaders mains are all in BH lol there's no outside mains
  5. um, not quite Val...Some are in the sub clan...and at least one remains somewhere out in KaW land
  6. Sub clan counts as bh lol. And u can easily find extremes "main" he made a thread with it with same name pretending he went from hansel to like 20m attack.
  7. Just like he pretends everything else
  8. Val you mean his other PS clanless account?
  9. Lame lame lame ass thread
  10. Elegantly_wasted

    I don't even know who you are, if you haven't been a first hand witness to me out-witting and playing someone to get information.(not betraying) then you shouldn't be making such claims.

    You should work on your KaW Politics because tbh that's all this game is anymore. Unless you are making 6 Figures in real life.
  11. LWP you might be the biggest tool I have ever seen.. Why do you think everyone cares so much about the stupid stories you made up to seem cool on a video game. The truth is you have goggled some themed quotes to put on your wall and at the end of your posts to mask your insecurity regarding your age. Are you a youngest child? You try so hard to gain acceptance from adults. Remember when you made that attention thread telling everyone that you know all of KAWS famous players and that you graduated with them.

    Everyone knows you really are not funding anything.. Everyone knows your LB father is your go to every time you need money or funds. You are just a little kid with a huge sense of self importance
  12. Says the kid who made an alt to cuss out at everyone. Grow up.
  13. Lol CA

    Try 6k inc in 3 days then maybe your in a CA.

    Noobs these days.

    Just to clarify, I am not a member of CR.
  14. How am i insecure about my age? i love being my age. The day i grow up you might as well take me out back and shoot me, because at that point life wouldn't be worth living. Also i am not the "youngest child" whatever that means...? I am the one of the youngest kids to start playing the game in the first few months it came out which is 100% true...maybe that is what you are talking about?

    No i don't care about acceptance from adults, this lion don't lose sleep over the opinions of the sheep.

    I must have made that thread about knowing all the greatest players of this game when i was 14-15 yrs old, but i bet you would have been just as immature to do the same thing at that age, so that argument is invalid.

    My dad has not funded me once in the last 1 and a half years on KaW. He lives his KaW life and now real life almost completely seperate from mine- seeing as i'm an adult now, but when i was a child he did help me, because that's what family does, family helps eachother no matter what, if i had a son and he played this game, even if he was wrong i would back him 100% of the time. And i'm sure that goes for any other moral father in KaW

    Also- i don't have a sense of self importance, but other people recognize me as important by even addressing my opinions and posts as you are doing now, as well as coming to me for inside information, strip funds and the such. If you would like ss plz follow me so i can provide you with proof on a third party app...

    P.S- hello statless alt. You are defenitely a Regulator no doubt.
  15. Lol but can you guess which regulator?
  16. -You're someone Articulate
    -False dillusional sense of KaW history and my family (which could have been spoon fed to you)

    You're an older regulator whose a panzy to post with your main. Tbh Idc who it is though...you are all equally worthless to me️
  17. Lwp, where'd your allies go?

  18.  i left and you all stripped an inactive account a month after i left that's where they went. Nothing i couldn't get back in 2-3 weeks️ miss you TNT️
  19. The bolivating by kotfe on this thread is ridiculous. Nightmare you need to simmer down bud. Or someone needs to give you a reality check on kaws pecking order. Kotfe does what they want? I believe you are thinking of another name with a F and a T in it.
  20. lol alts telling people to simmer down.
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