Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. Too many long word tbh 
  2. Yeah nightmare nobody will ever hand you your asses...

    Wait...What was that Kreuzritter dude who single handedly put 20T out on one of you and cleared 10T-15Tby himself??...

    Imagine all of kreuzritter hitting your clan.

    ️i call that an asswhooping, and i see you are still the ignorant day-shift ruler in KOTFE, only thing you got goin for you is integrity and honor in a fight, so don't let your head get big like ireg mmk.

    "A fool despises instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is wise."
  3. self pinning? The purpose of self pinning is to prevent loss of gold and troops and spies, due to the enemy hitting you. Needless to say, self pinning is certainly not necessary when fighting BH. In fact, there's not even a reason to bank. What have you done to BH? I can not believe there is a BH member, one on council even, who not only cries to devs, but brags about it on forums! Apparently, we must be playing Kingdoms at Sesame Street now.

    This game has been brought to you today by the letter X, number 0, and the word embarrasing.
  4. Yes he snuck stripped two of us. And in the next week we took 80t off his two lb accounts and his alts. It was great fun.
  5. But we caught both strips. Nobody lost more than 30% ......so stripped. Ya I get stripped all the time lol. But I was never holding my ass
  6. It's not hard to strip anyone if you have the available funds and they have no idea it's coming. Look at bomanator.

    Kotfe is on it's guard, and there's no way Bh will have a big strip without alerting kotfe within a few minutes or giving away their big banks.
  7. Just out of curiosity, you say that self pinning is a legitimate tactic, and that you respect a hansel with no pots or allies. Yet you bash a pure spy with no pots or allies, the difference? You get 21 free hits per hour from the hansel, and the PS just eats spies. And then people complain about DTW targets while everyone knows that self pinning is a legit tactic. So why are you bashing PS and self-pinning?
    Just wondering guys, because it makes no sense to me
  8. Because he can isn't scared of being hit like you pansies. Plus he actually knows what an attack button looks like :lol:
  9. I'd say bashing the ps cos he's an idiot pinning on eb to make gold
  10. Where these people come from
  11. Not sure where that comment is directed oli, but i'm no involved in the war, just deciphering what people say
  12. Hey goo buddy do you think before you post or just smash your face into your phone and go with whatever pops up. I'm genuinely curious. As we all are.
  13. Was a general you destroyer. Not directed at you solely
  14. Smash my face into phone
  15. Speed read and post whatever's in my head although try leave out the pink elephants. Don't want people thin I'm crazy
  16. Oh just thought instead of my usual request on cf pink unicorn maybe my subconscious asking for pink elephant
  17. Oli made me pee my pants. That was hilarious.
  18. Pure spies are by nature defensive all the time. Going ps is a last resort. An option when ur clan is destroyed and allies gone. And little hope to gain ground on an offensive. Only hope to "win" a war if u can call it that is to bore the enemy to death. Unfortunately Kotfe will keep people in the ca for months even years.

    So starting off as a ps says a lot about ones character in this game. Admitting defeat out of the gate so to speak. Goo has spent collectively over a year in our ca and now spends his time being infatuated by me and my clan. Stockholm syndrome in a sense. He just can't get enough.

    As far as fighting with integrity and honour, well, when we get a fight I'll let u know. Nothing makes apoc happier than incoming. Do not take this forum bashing as regular operations for apoc. Bh is just such a joke we are having the only fun we can. In forums.
  19. Infatuated by you 
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