Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. As the official auditor of kotfe clans.

    Fes, dragon fire, and spirit do not count as they are held by statless (in one case reset) alts.

    Therefore they have no capability to attack Bh.

    Still 7/10
  2. Actually, we do have one person so far here at StripTease receiving inc from Osiris. Coincidence? Who knows.
    ***Public Disclaimer***StripTease is not directly affiliated with other alliances/clans also at war with BH, nor has the clan been "called in" or "jumped on the bandwagon". As Nightmare said in a previous post regarding his clan, each clan has been targeted verbally (okay, he said "diahrrea of the mouth", but he is just more colorful :)). Basicly, we all have our own beef with BH. Our clan received inc from BH two nights ago before they had even redeclared war on AoW.
  3. ok troll still 7/10
  4. ooo i love this chatter.
    but ill simplify it a bit more for those who think wog or kotfe jumped in on bh for any reason other then they opened their mouth once too many times.
    talk ****, get hit.
    should explain why we joined 
  5. Didn't strip tease have a new recruitment thread like a week ago? Re-opening or something? And it's still small.. I doubt you guys would have went to war with bh over some inc if they were not at war. Just my opinion :3
  6. Oh, and @Dia: Ignorance means not knowing something, being unaware...i.e. not knowing what 1+1 equals due to being unaware of the concept of addition. Stupidity means one is fully aware of the concept or situation, in our example the person has been taught about adding. However, the wrong answer is always given, or in BH's case repetitively insisted upon ,i.e. 1+1=purple. Thus, it is completely possible for one to be "ignorantly stupid"...in short, being a total dumb*** and not even knowing it. Quite a sad thing to watch, really.
  7. Art, yes I can see your logic, very true. While we certainly planned such a thing for the future, our goal was to build numbers first. Also we have frequent clan guests/friends who visit alot, part time members we can call them, and thus in all likelihood would have joined in the battle. However, many of those are already engaged in war, be it in Apoc, KotFE, AoW, etc. And honestly, yeah, we would have hit back and threw down, because we just dont give a damn. We fight, that is what makes the game fun for us.
  8. [​IMG]

    Need 12 cc's of Midol.....

  9. sure you do need it willy. maybe a glass of cranberry too?
    love the gif, shows how you ended up like this.
    ran your mouth 
  10. 10 kofte clans  I'm sure they had 12 on me 
  11. i dunno if yall read your own treath or even tryed to read ours but the only ones who suport you are the ones in your clans the rest of kaw just thinks your a buntch of idiots who are to scared to fight bh on your own your the laughing stock of kaw who dont get respect of anyone you say we are al pinned but thats the biggest bs i have seen so far maybe ask even more clans to help your sorry asses see if we care lmao yall life in a fantasie land bh wil never surrender to the likes you we piss on you all damm its i believe 15 clans in total now fighting bh and still i'm happely farming you guys and to the cryers who say yall dont get inc maybe next time fight us 1 clan at the time we will kick all your asses there are just to many noobs in this war now cant hit them all at ones rofl just wait your turn we will get to u ⻏L₳¢Ҝ H₳₦Ð 4 ever crying butt hurt bandwagon jumpers lmao your being laughed at by everyone yall a big ass joke nobody has repect for you guys and i see so many suport for bh if we are sutch hasbeens then why are u giving us so mutch attension on forum like kinder garden al over again ⻏L₳¢Ҝ H₳₦Ð is and wil Always be the most famous osw clan in kaw your trash talking wont change that we in osw 99% of the time we are osw and we dont give a damm about kotfe yall knew we were gunning for ya thats why u jumped the bandwagon and hotty please inc from your clan lmao it dasnt excist :lol: :lol:
  12. Idiot alertidiot alertidiot alert
  13. I think gotyamoron is bh warrads alt. Unless I can no longer tell the difference between bh members.
  14. holy run on sentance batman!
    requirement to join ButtHurt, primary school drop out 
  15. a nother butt hurt noob who lost his clan after we basicly shut yall down gave your #1 a nice xmass gift remember the 7t clean out gift or being pinned 24/7 tusk tusk tusk lie al u want we know the truth xxx warrad out this treath to stupid to read
  16. Cple members bh I have respect for can u explain though why rinus arranged cf with kofte and sacrificed me into the bargain ? Especially when I jumped in to help bh, Is that a clan of warriors ? Certainly not in my day
  17. Any single one of the apoc clans hitting you could split their roster in half and still kill bh 1v1. You're delusional if you think otherwise 
  18. So what clans are currently involved?
  19. Yes !!!! I knew the tears would come back to the forums. Ty butthurt bh spokesperson lol
  20. i want to buy warrad some periods....
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