The entirety of the bh roster is pinned or zero all the time. I think it's time to bust out the hidden lb accounts
FYI for all you pure spy idiots. If you aren't hitting anyone, why would we waste our time on you? No inc for us= no inc for you. Get some allies and a decent account if you would like to be part of the war. You sitting in hb with full spies isn't hurting anyone. Seriously, you guys have got to be the stupidest clan in all of KaW. BH auto corrects to hb. Hb= Has-been. Coincidence? Not likely!
So.. This is interesting Kotfe is going after bh bc of bh pulling allies on aow? Didn't bh have 3 or 4 clans against them when the aow called in family?
Ew that's pretty gross. But no I never said Kotfe were called in I just like reading. And I'm a very curious person
also for those keeping tabs I believe in one of the other threads kotfe even invited bh allies to join in the oonslaught but apparently they too busy whining about being outgunned an jumped. smh some people's kids
I've heard some are even in there own wars. A source has told me this clan is ranked 750. Now how can we compare to that. No wonder we are all alone