Kotfe Awakening overrules Apoc ruling

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Miek01, Aug 9, 2015.

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  1. It's all rather dull anyway.
  2. Nah. It's happened too often. I also don't fake retire when I'm getting my ass handed to me. Remember that biscuit? I do 
  3. Dear diary : made some new friends today :) they don't talk much but I think they like me cos they seem to want to play. Trying to figure this machine thing - looked up Wikipedia definition of machine and glad I'm not one. Highlight was fun chase through clans with weird machine types trying to catch me. Think this is quite fun but missing the back chat. Going to look at old doctor who scripts to give them some fun master villain one liners to post. All in all I'm a little disappointed but I guess it's an age thing. I wish I was a bullish teenager again .
  4. Post again to keep annoying you all . Just posting to keep this thread going
  5. Only ruling Kotfe has is -farm them harder when they look like they might cry


    Laugh when they do
  6. Hahaha, recently a large group of scientists sent an alarming appeal to UN against machine warriors.. true!!
  7. Stick to EBs Mick in your sushi clan. You are a long way from home 
  8. Hi Jugg,

    True. There are things worth fighting for though. There is no honour in fighting this ebfairy.
  9. Are you in a hurry to type or don't you know grammar?
  10. Does that have any specific relevance?
  11. Do you have any relevance? Tinkerbell?
  12. I'm an ex kotfe member I can tell you right now they don't interfere with PvP unless rules of PvP are broken, I've been in cc long enough to know if your farmed by kotfe it's for a real good reason
  13. Does this statement have any relevance? Please stay on topic.
  14. Well he did. Xlantis not denying but talking loud about excuses he looked for to strip... But he broke his word not to interfere.
  15. Start says :

    Dear diary : not so sunny out today . Think I'll not bike today. Oh - good news ! Wrath of immortals clan folded ! I am busy annoying them saying I made it fold. For big tough farmers they are awfully sensitive ! They have run out of comedy villain one liners so have blocked me from their walls !!!! Another little victory for me. Think I might do some clan hopping and let them all chase me a while. BUSY BUSY !!
  16. yall sound stupid wrath of the immortals had this merge in the works for awhile. yall like drama i see. and cant believe yall talking bad about kofte. yall broke pvp rules by 1-4 so yeah. yall really think yall close us down lmmfao yall to funny and kinda not good at this game.
  17. Dear diary : fun evening (I'm gmt timezone guys). Got one kofte saying why are they hitting me ! I think machine interface needs servicing - definite free will displayed by a member !
    Think I'll stay around kaw a bit longer. This is most fun on kaw for ages :)
  18. Just saw 97 posts so far. I'll get it to a hundred soon . Please count this post as bad mouthing my enemies and bigging myself up. Oh - and it keeps this thread live to annoy you all :)
  19. Start awesome allies there.
  20. Who cares, take your ass whoopin like a man, instead of whining. It's a game. Grow some balls.
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