KotFE- Assassins

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by -ThE_MaCHiNE_oF_ClaY-, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. KotFE in the morning? No for the lite hearted. 4life. Props Clay
  2. Great thread clay
  3. KaW this is a really great clan. Some of us seem a little ruff on the outside, but when it come to family we take care if each other.
  4. This is where it's at
  5. Clay, amazing thread and first time I didn't need my southern clay translator.
    Side note welcome all that are up to the challenge, and want to join a family that always have each other's back.
  6. when youre at kotFE, you'll find another fun from this game :cool:
    proud for being KotFE

    ✯☠CƦ/KøTҒE/ ŦṨ/ ₩ØG/ᎦᎬ/ĦᎥŦ☠✯
  7. Thanks for all the support everyone 
  8. One of the toughest clans around!
  9. The spirit of the Fire Emblem unites a group of players to become one force. It truly is brothers and sisters above oneself: as those brothers and sisters of the Fire Emblem will put you above themselves. A true clan, side-by-side.

    The Fire Emblem is the spirit in every one of our members' hearts and minds and outsiders just don't understand until they let it in.

    The Fire Emblem: become part of something more than just a game!
  10. BUMP

  11. Support great thread.
  12. Bump,

    and FULL SUPPORT to all my brothers and sisters of the Fire Emblem.

    K๏┼Fє ΔSSΔSSIΠS ༺Á̸P☣Ć̸Ạ̸Ł༒ཾPṨ̸Ξ༻✯☠CƦ/KøTҒE/ ŦṨ/ ₩ØG/ᎦᎬ/ĦᎥŦ☠✯
  13. Full support for our brothers and sisters in KOTFE. Nice work Clay
    Chaos Reborn
  14. Bump for all the kotfe family