KotFE- Assassins

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by -ThE_MaCHiNE_oF_ClaY-, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Excellent thread Clay, nicely done 

    Full support, Kotfe is a helluva family to be involved in. Walk with the best and forget about the rest.

  2. Support to the great bunch @ KotFE
    Some of the coolest people I've met in kaw..Hey does Welcome still make cookies and floats on Thursday?
  3. Really beasting thread, i support :D would apply if i didnt have plans and was under stat-ed :p kotfe seems to be one of the few legit amaze balls clans right naow o_O
  4. ⊀๏tƒཇ༺Á̸P☣Ć̸Ạ̸Ł༒ཾPṨ̸Ξ
  5. An honor to call such a bad ass group family!! Heart and Respect:) Doubt them? Try them!!!
  6. [​IMG]


    KOTFE 4 LIFE
  7. One of ur pics looks a lot like my phone case xD (accept its not 3D)
  8. Support to my home clan assassins! Best clan ever!


    K๏┼Fє ΔSSΔSSIΠS༺Á̸P☣Ć̸Ạ̸Ł༒ཾPṨ̸Ξ༻✯☠CƦ/KøTҒE/ ŦṨ/ ₩ØG/ᎦᎬ/ĦᎥŦ☠✯
  9. Support KotFE. Some of the best fighters I know :) anyone would be lucky to be accepted :) awesome thread 

    щξ αгξ τђξ MaCHiNeS οf τђξ Á̸P☣Ć̸Á̸Ł༒ཾPṤ̸Ξ. щξ щФητ гυδT, щξ cαη'τ δτΦρ! ιτδ α MaCHiNe τђιηб 

    K๏┼Fє ΔSSΔSSIΠS ༺Á̸P☣Ć̸Ạ̸Ł༒ཾPṨ̸Ξ༻✯☠CƦ/KøTҒE/ ŦṨ/ ₩ØG/ᎦᎬ/ĦᎥŦ☠✯
  11.  SUPPORT Great jobClay
  12. Now this is what a clan thread should look like.
  13. SUPPORT
  14. Was my first clan, great people, good fun. Definitely recommend joining.
  15. Great post  where do I sign up? 
  16. Support to family

    ✯☠༺ᏔЯᗩ✞H_⚙ƒ_❡⚙Ꭰ Á̸P☣Ć̸Ạ̸Ł༒ཾPṨ̸Ξ༻☠✯ 爪モ尺匚ㄚ 工ち 下◯尺 匕卄モ 山モ丹Ҝ ✯☠CƦ/KøTҒE/ ŦṨ/ ₩ØG/ᎦᎬ/ĦᎥŦ☠✯
  17. Support for sausage jockeys everywhere