KoFE and Black Flame join UWF in the war

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Cursed_Soul (01), Aug 28, 2010.

  1. Lol wow cursed so stupid it's sad
  2. Oh i'm a fortune teller....who has just made a prediction....
  3. Cursed is funny
  4. Oh what is this prediction and he's funny manbearpig u follow him around thts what's funny
  5. Ok pb who the hell r u? Second I don't follow him he's funny
  6. Why u guys being a bunch of jerks to cursed
  7. Why are we mean to him that would be because he is an idiot
  8. bump bump :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  9. Why bump this?
  10. He's an idiot for..............
  11. yeh bih baawale hogaye haah....saara din kohie kaam nahie...jaab dekho kichir pir laghie rehthi haah,,,,,,,everyone is only gd in talking non-sense things
  12. this is a old thread lol i remember when this happened lol :lol:
  13. Wow! Long time ago! Wasn't even playing this game then... Though I see I don't really recognize any of the KotFE people....
  14. Wow! Long long time ago...