KO or Self KO?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_I_I-DarkAce07-I_I_I, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Well...
    1. This isn't SW. It's Estoc.

    2. The lag will mess up that logic.

    3. I don't quite think you understood the examples fully enough to comprehend how Estoc needs the KO and SKO to stay this way
  2. Lol even fail attempts burn troops, you hear that speech before every war
  3. Take one for the clan they said we will win they said.
  4. Vengeful, it's cause of the people I didn't want there.
  5. They attacked you wasted the last of your troops you were ko'ed end of.
    Think of it like this had it been you attacking n lost but taking down the last of there troops but it came up ...player xxx..... Has self ko'ed wouldn't u be annoyed after all you would of taken on a bigger build??????
  6. I'm with OP!

    I also think to SKO you should have to win the action or it goes to the opponent you failed againgst! I don't think this is the case at the moment, I Can't remember haven't EE'd in a while!

    I think it would certainly mix it up and encourage people to win more actions, failed scouts are annoying but obviously serve a massive purpose in the present format!

    Doesn't make sense in a way to fail an action and be rewarded for it by either SKOing or KOing someone and getting their plunder!

    Just my opinion!
  7. That's me  I knocked out your troops the right way (all successes) I xtal'd so I had enough spies to knock you out with fail scouts
  8. Sorry wrong account I am this person 
  9. @OP:

    Your reasoning on the 2nd page clearly doesn't go on par with the mechanics of KaW. :p
  10. Though, if that were implemented, it'd set up quite a bit interesting remix in the EE system we have now.

    Would actually change wars to survival and strategy, not to "damn I'm going down imma selfKO on the enemy! And keep doing this until crystal orders are given! So fun!"
  11. I don't SKO as soon as I come up. I try regening as far as I can get before they realize I'm up xD
  12. Deni, that works too.

    Though, when you are in a close war, losing, and it's not your account (you're talking to PM to such player) those are the orders I give lol.
  13. I'm talking about wars where KO times are tracked (CC) and the enemy is spamming attack for a minute around your KO release time.
  14. I would still have them try regening.

    If they regened until full or until they noticed she was up, she'd have more of a chance to KO them while SKO herself, as well.
  15. … doesn't work if such person doesn't know how to war, and I'm giving orders through PM :p

    And that strategy fails in very close wars when you're a target. The enemy simply knows your KO release time, 15 seconds later, full newsfeed and KO'd again.

    That's why I just tell them to keep hitting attack 1 minute before they're KO released. 25% troops isn't really an advantageous position.
  16. You can argue all you want lol, the bottom line is you haven't knocked yourself out, your opponent has, wether they were successful or not. They killed off the last of your troops, not you which is what a knockout is. To self ko, you need to kill off the last of your troops hence SELF knock out.