KO in PvP

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Oxyr, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Used to have seven accounts. All but one similar size. Easy exploit. It I wouldn't bother. Personally.
    But the 100 hits same kingdom a building is destroyed. Ok so I can't hit my osw victim 200 times anymore ?
    Just up pvp plunder and add rewards for achieving x amount of actions. At set intervals. Let people osw pvp farm alts whatever for a month to earn each equipment or xtal their butts off to get them sooner. At least we would all have something pvp wise to aim for.
  2. Stick your head back to your eb 203b plunder in osw. Real vet there
  3. Like people said earlier in this thread... Make it battle list only and there will be no 50v1, farming Alts problem! Support to op though, great idea!!
  4. If you want to encourage more PvP you have to minimize the risk and maximize the reward.

    The clan system is what stops more PvP from happening. Think about. I can't hit this person. They are alliance. I don't like this person, but I can't hit them because it starts some war blown out of control.

    If I hit this person I get hit by 20 players from a ca. I can't do this. I can't do that. Clan politics stops PvP. Especially in smaller lesser known clans, and weaker alliances.
  5. You are right... That's why I said that this require a change of game philosophy. One can lose the allies he was working for years in a blink of an eye. If his kingdom could be destroyed too probably he will chose another game. So I'm pretty sure will never have buildings destroyed in KaW. I was just playing with Fonzyii's idea.
  6. And paranoid. I never met a bigger bunch of paranoid people. You guys even track my reset bombs I don't use anymore.

    You get in big alliances and wonder why people don't PvP with you. Well duh. Stop putting everyone that hits you in CA. Stop crying about love taps in CC.

    The PvP is what the players made it. You have the mechanics to PvP until your fingers bleed.

    Okay I'm done. Make love not war. Peace.
  7. Thx upgrading spies you have 4 years 5 k steals?
  8. Everything is exploitable if you try hard enough. That's the problem. Seems no one wants to play a game and have fun, They want to exploit/cheat/bot or hit ALTS to get ahead of the competition. The players of KaW are ruining the game, not the devs.
  9. It's actually the players and the devs...
  10. Love the idea fonz. I think it would get more ppl to pvp. Pvp is a great part of kaw. Its fun seeing what you can actually do with your build other than hitting mindless ebs.
  11. Reaching ? I would actually ask who doesn't have four or more alts the same size or a clan can easily exploit for their banks. As stated just change the payout for a pvp to cover pots used - all fixed no need to change mechs.
  12. What about having the last steal on a strip before he goes DTW 0 gold? That should be worth 10% of the strip 