Known For

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Premature ejaculator
  2. A Devil that looks like a dog.
  3. Being a fine king with a horrid name
  4. Pretending to sound dangerous
  5. Lol too slow on Ya first post and spellcheck needed on Ya second since when is pestilence a disease? Or thought to have been one?
  6. Trying to prove something after I edit my post
  7. I dub thee the guy who can't make up his mind
  8. ^ In a state of rapid decline.
  9. Not being fast enough
  10. Not rising^
  11. Losing CoD champions.
  12. Being a faze that's immortal.
  13. Oh i thought I posted bout myself
  14. Having no towers and almost 1T in allies.
  15. Having 20+ allies
  16. Totally misread this thread... Thought we were saying what we meaning ourself are known for 
  17. Being confused