Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. Alison maybe a calm approach and help KotFE find the instigator is better. Seems your upset at the wrong ppl. It's pretty easy to find the real perpetrator by the person attacked if they care too. The issue now maybe your opening salvo in this thread. Good luck Sis.
  2. Sorry about the double post screen froze.
  3. Really weezus? With the colorful past between both party's, I think you can understand the frustration on her part. I can also see how you would shoot first and ask questions later....but come on man, none of this sounds fishy to you?
  4. Only thing that smells fishy here is Alison. Ewes gross
  5. I guess what they say is true, history does repeat itself lol
  6. @onepercenter

    Classy, faggot
  7. I just dont understand why u airing all this in forums? Why not copy paste all that and pm chuck norris? Attention? How about just telling ur friends? Ur clan?
    Ur preachin to the sheep. What the sheep gonna do but grab popcorn?
  8. I lol'ed at onepercenter's post.

    And I totally agree with the post above me(maybe) I believe she now just posts the threads for the attention. Maybe the first one was legit, and the apology threads. But continuously posting KotFE threads is just for the attention lol.
  9. I wouldn't call it attention whoring when a bunch of people are disallowing her to play the game. Literally trying to make her quit. She's probably already asked friends and clan. But what happened with that last time? A couple individuals got involved and smacked down as well. And cheese left entirely. You all call them attention whores because they lost and you are nothing but a mob and hive mind for whatever is deemed 'cool' or whatever. Ur scared of big bad apocalypse which isn't hard to understand. They hold all the power. But I guarantee they keep going along like this, literally FORCING people out of the game they will fall apart or be taken down. Power is easy to become drunk off of. And you idiots just are here to hop on the wagon. Go back to your EBs noobs.
  10. Cynder, as the famous saying goes.

    You better check yourself before you wreck yourself. Don't ******** us all, your beloved ISS would do the same exact thing and farm someone until reset if they mess with member of ISS repeatedly. So your point? Invalid.

    Carry on with your "EB" noob.
  11. I do believe that people on forums would help especially cause most seem bored and looking for entertainment
  12. And their entertainment is whining about how war is dead yet hardly any actually war themselves, blame all the game's problems on the devs and jump on any band wagon available to seem cool on the Internet.
  13. That is entirely correct.
  14. Wars are only dead as a tool of making money
  15. And actually, u know nothing of ISS because we make sure our affairs aren't broadcasted in any way. I don't farm Til reset. I don't believe in that. Yes one time recently I initially said that when my friend who died overseas was insulted by someone on forums I said farm Til reset. But then I calm down and come to my senses. This is a game. Why would I wana force my enemies out? Very rarely do I engage in anything resembling a gang bang. So ill go back to war Oli  tell Poppa I said what's up and next time keep it in your pants.
  16. I remember having to fight iss when they tried to force my previous clan to disperse or make us reset -.-
  17. Cynder bro, maybe recently you have broadcasted ISS but in the past? Oh yes you have. Maybe you personally don't believe in farming to reset, I sure don't. But our personal opinions won't change the way that the clan as a whole will go about farming. GL with your war. And I will say Hello to pops for you. And keep what in my pants? Lmao
  18. Exactly @mass lol

    ISS has been portrayed as a ruthless farming clan that will make you reset(in the past). recently as i stated before, ISS hasnt been very, public. Why the change?
  19. Btw that was supposed to be haven't lol
  20. Couldn't say