Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. ITT: Act blind and watch the people rage.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong but these SS are from android, and on android the i's show up with the little bar on the top and bottom. So I don't think it was -Aiison-, but instead an old SS. It makes no sense for a hansel to attack.
  3. With new items and full pots it's feasible for Alison to be successful in her attacks, Look at the dude she hit closely and his items. Furthermore, screenshot has the dash on the line above.

    I'm done on this thread, it's threads like this that glorify our war clans. Thrash on noob.

    Apparently this guy above me knows what really happened, but what matters most is that you can't make threads like this and expect to walk away with your  not pushed in.
  4. It's rather old or fake

    *Grabs Popcorn*

  5. Its photoshopped. The third attack has a warp down the side.
  6. Looks like it has two L's
  7. Looks can deceive.

    If Alison lied I'm going to be mad at her and she will have no respect.

    Yet if Kotfe lied than that's just low.
  8. Again? After like 2 apology threads to KotFE already? I wonder how many hundreds in real dollars you spend on xtals just to nip at their heels.

    I respect Alison for being a tenacious fighter, but this is getting tired.
  9. There own clan mate brimarie2 is part of the scam. Telling their family they received the incoming that day and that they even clicked on my profile and it led to me.


    What a crock.
  10. ur stuffed lol
  11. I'm not going to judge and say oh Kotfe blah blah blah

    Just show us facts -Alison-

    -And as said by KaW Admin SS can be misleading
    -Why would -Alison- attack if hansel
    -She was attack build at one time long ago
    -Why would she mess with the same ppl 3x in a row it's not lucky to get striped
    -Lastly SS font is hard to read cant tell if Allson or Alison
  12. Soo.. My bets is this is an old screenshot. Where the guy Alison hit has now became stronger and hard for Alison to hit.
    I think KOTFE are using an old screenshot to try farm Alison, perhaps they are bored.
    I don't know, this is my theory, I'm not being biased, this is just as I see it.
  13. Hummm yeahhh 
  14. I think it's photo shopped. On te second and throes SS the bar across the top that show time and charge is overlapping a second bar showing contradicting times. The first SS does not have this
  15. That's because of the pal room.
  16. Actually, I think that's an idevice SS of the android SS
  17. Lol ok, thanks Eric
  18. Look at Alison's build, there's no way that was her. I seriously doubt KOTFE had anything to do with it - they're bigger and better than that nonsense, but she's being set up that's for sure. Probably someone with a grudge .