Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. I'm OliBear to judge? Can't you read?
  2. Ok so you wanna trash talk. Cool.

    What I meant was a clan such as Kotfe should be giving Alison bigger problems than they already are, and the amount of fails is pretty significant.

    That's pretty much it. Not sure what "follow through" you were expecting.
  3. Well with that we know gear will never be on here with his 'main device'

    Hey at least when I trashed Kotfe durin the cheese thing I used my main and took my beating. Y u no like love taps gear??????
  4. I'm not posting with main because I don't want that acc involved, and I was hardly trashing, if you'd read my comments.
  5. Gear, it's apparent you are raging EBaholic. Sure they fail, what do you expect from spy stats less than 1/6 of hers? You get fails. But each fail she loses pots.  OMG I know, cool right?

    She also doesn't show the successful hits on her.

    Herp derp
  6. Also, I have bigger problems, like my genitalia being numb because of the jeans I'm wearing combined with seating position. This is a horrible feeling.

    But really why take hits on main when I have no reason to?
  7. Yah those EBs gotta be hit I understand 
  8. You asked if I was talking out of my ass because I made a comment about a spy build with what? Ten towers? Wondering why spies were failing on her?


    Really dude?

    Regardless of what clan it is if you start tutting your build you're going to be able to fill the forums with ss of fails all day long.
  9. Ugh, less whiskey for me, my last post made zero sense 
  10. Argh you people love taking my words and manipulating them slightly. Therefore I cba to comment. Say what you will, maybe I wasn't clear and that's why I look like an EB mug now. This isn't an apology or anything, just gonna leave the conversation.
  11. Gear 0
    Oli, Deano and cyn 1
  12. Well just after my post I read Deano's, yeah fair enough I said that, but in my mind I had good reasoning. Tried to explain it, explained badly, given up.
  13. Dude if you weren't an "eb mug" you wouldn't be making comments like "I can't post with my main because you might kill the soldiers I saved for apherian".

    Forgive me, I paraphrased.

  14. I don't understand your overreactions but ok.
  15. @ olibear. Look at the ss. They fail scouting, so at every fail I'm not losing pots.

    Herp derp to you good sir
  16. So they only fail the scouts :p

    Still , people with 1/4 of your spy stats are most likely gonna fail. But still even then, they are killing your spies.
  17. Meat shielding is a pathetic strategy. In reality you harm yourself more than the enemy
  18. Alison Alison Alison. As a woman. I am embarrassed for u. You farm so many people. All the time. This is a known fact. U continue to agitate kotfe, which is a brilliant move. I think u have them right where u want them this time.

    How long til ur stripped and potless? Week? 2 tops. Then u will come full circle in your pattern of behavior and cry and beg for cf AGAIN. Geez have some self respect. Shut up. Keep it in newsfeeds. U looking for attention in forums is getting sad now.

    Now as a kaw player. I'm also embarrassed for u. Have u no clue how a clan deals with spies? Don't tell me u are that dumb please. Just as a refresher. A scout bomb is the only way to pin spies when they are dtw. U do know what dtw is right? Ok good. And all other failed spy actions are the most effective way of burning ur pots. What's ur pot count at honey? Bet it ain't full. Stupid kotfe. Burning pots and pinning spies. Leaving u no choice but to waste xtal as u throw grains of sand at their brick walls.

    Any noob account supporting Alison are also sad cases. Jealous of a big clans greatness? Throwing words from tiny accounts too small to be hit by the people ur bashing? I'm not sure whose worse. No wait. I am. It's Alison. Lol. But it's close.
  19. What noob acc. Support Allison? Just wondering