Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. KotFE doesn't even find page 8 a little suspicious?
  2. This happened to me as well about 6 months ago!!!!!!!! It said I attacked but I never did!
  3. This whole thread makes me want to head but the nearest wall.
  4. If kofte wanted to farm Alison they would just do it, no need to make fake ss.
    Alison you piss me off, you're rude and an attention whore. You want to farm? Great go for it. You want to smack talk? Even better, go for it.
    Fact is though you are a whiny little piss stain that I personally am sick and tired of having the displeasure of listening to.
  5. Then don't read it dummy. :lol:
  6. Wow dean. 280 bl. Do you have a main I can smash in between Kotfe fails? You're the only piss stain on this thread. Stick to your ebs, war and forum clearly not your thing halfwit.
  7.  ok Alison. I've probably been in more wars than you for a start. Typical arrogance in this game, you think this is the only account I've ever had?
    How about you drop your builds again, put up a few guilds and we can go for it ;)
  8. I think it's hilarious when people fill their build with towers than grab their nuts and talk about people's failed attacks, congrats 
  9. It's always a great pleasure to see KAW being played as it was meant to (in my humble opinion). LOVE the smack talk, taunts and adversarial game play in this thread from all sides. Play on warriors.
  10. Lol Deano? Do you even know what you're talking about or are you just talking outta your ass?
  11. Obviously just talking out if my arse mate
  12. Ngl I don't know you as a person but that tower comment was a no. Solid no.
  13. Care to elaborate gear? Because you've got me confused, my comment about towers was pretty simple to understand.

    Ill try and explain this one for you slowly dude ok? Try and keep up.

    If you fill your build full of spy DEFENCE towers, hopefully you haven't wasted your gold, they'll do there job and defend!

    Slow enough? Or do I need to break it down for you a bit more?

    Loosen the chinstraps on that helmet, I think it's blocking your ears.
  14. The fact that you turned that into a form of mockery against Alison was what I was getting at. With a whole clan hitting Alison, a very experienced clan at that, Alison shouldn't have the ability to be "Boasting" about all Kotfe failed attacks.
  15. I love my butt hurt towers..

  16. Well I think if you read back to her comment, she bought up about, and posted about kofte fail attacking her. I was just making a statement that if you shove a loss of towers on your build, expect people to fail.
    It really isn't that hard to understand right?
  17. Gear you realise that a tower is a static defence? Or am I arguing with a tard? 
  18. You're ridiculous lmao. You think I didn't realise that?

    Obviously missed my point. Acting like a genius but can't decipher a few simple sentences.