Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. I know but I thought if I threw a little compliment her way she would come out of shock and respond. I was wrong :(
  2. This thread made me LOL much anger from the OP must be that time of the month .....Outlook for an 'I quit KAW or I'm so sorry thread' looks promising.....Grow Weezus Grow
  3. Ounoob spotting . I tried steroids bud, but my "pecs" just got huge and my  are all but gone.

    Can't have it all apparently 
  4. (PS - I laughed out loud at your status O )
  5. Shhh you didn't see me Weezy 
  6. Oli.....u can't have a battle of wits..... If they are unarmed 
  7. O is a noob that is all
  8. Weezus please get off this thread. With your feeble derail. You said yourself I was insignificant and you would not be posting. Yet you keep popping up like a festering sore
  9. Weezus please get off this thread. You said yourself you were out but you keep returning. At least try and stick to your word, such as it is
  10. The banter flying back and forth on this thread is making me cry from laughter! 
    I forgot what this thread is about from all the insults being thrown out. But it has proven to be the most entertaining thread I've read in a while.
  11. Just saying, u may have warred a lot but based on your stats and build u lost alison.
  12. I haven't tried derailing anything - yet. When I do you'll know because all of a sudden, everyone will be discussing the escalating situation in North Korea or posting their favorite dancing gifs instead of discussing your "days of our lives" drama.

    I wouldn't want me on my thread either (if I were you), given how foolish I make you look consistently. Does it hurt to drink from my "fire hose" of logic Allison? Because your face looks like its got egg all over it... 
  13. @ weezus. Read your own post on page 6 and then page 9 you. Why are you still here? Please again I ask
  14. And weezus. You only serve to make yourself look foolish. So again. Get off this thread. You have said all you need to say on and off the topic and now your diatribe are neither interesting or serving a purpose.
  15. Im guessing some1 on the outside framed Alison but nobody can honestly say except alison so until then all i can say is whoever is telling the truth has my support ;) xD
  16. Hmmmmmmm haven't visited this thread in a few days.
  17. It's less than 2 days old .... still Lubz ya gor
  18. Well I always thought that postman pats cat was a female cat! Turns out its male, it's called Jess,
    Has this happened to anyone else?