Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. That's what I call pot burning
  2. Alison should I post your fails? You have how much more in spy stats then me? Yet you still manage to fail almost all steals on me
  3. @ ritlord. Moron. And I have alot more players to deal with than you. You're only good for pinning spies between ebs and the occasional x-tal. Your not significant. You're not anything more than a lowly Kotfe boot licker. Don't ever forget. Without your clan. You are nothing
  4. Lol how come he doesn't get nicknames? Now I just feel like you hate me
  5. You know you are owned when you have to resort to grammar nazi. Go away ritlord. You useless piece of turkey turd. You're a waste of forum space

    Happy now arkst. Idiots
  6. Slightly amused... But you've already used that one so....
  7. I'm seriously gonna laugh my ass off when I see another "KotFE please forgive my stupidity" thread from Alison. Lmfao
  8. @ oli. I already laugh my ass off at little forum dweebs like you that run around KaW with that ridiculous banner, like you're a part of some bigger picture. Go war some people, and build up respectable battle stats before running off at the mouth. You look like an eb warrior hiding behind that banner and its frankly embarrassing and cringe worthy. Twit
  9. Why is everything that comes out of this kids ^ mouth, something derogatory, meaningless and annoying. Starts a whole new thread to talk about his own personal issues on a game, then mouths off at anyone who comments against his side of the story when there is always two sides to the story which people are allowed to follow.
  10. Alison, am I the forum dweeb? How many threads have you made talking **** about KotFE? And in response, how many apology threads? You should seriously change your banner from Queen of Noobs to Queen of the Attention whores, because whenever I see your name it's in another "oh KotFE is so mean to me" thread or a "KotFE please forgive my stupid attention whore self for seeking the attention that I can't get anywhere else besides the Internet" thread. So the evidence proves otherwise darling. :roll:

    I mean come on, you are just pitiful Girly. Go back to pinning yourself and I expect your apology thread to KotFE by this time next week.

    You make me laugh :lol:
  11. Also, pertaining to your warring part, I can guarantee you I have warred the exact same amount if not more than you. What do you think I've done in the 2 and a half years I've played this War (didn't know if you knew, but this IS a war game) game? I'm sorry I don't run my mouth 24/7 and get perm farmed every other week while hitting EB's hard the weeks in between. Or more likely in your case, I don't use my parents money to buy nobs. Hell I don't even use the money I make to buy nobs. So anything else you'd like to say? ;)

    As I lmao while I type.
  12. ^ :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. You leave gold out for them to suicide on your pots and THEY are noobs...  ... Right.

    Your SS says it all. You dare yourself to do something (hit a KotFE member again) you stew, then you do it. That seems a lot more feasible than a leaderboard legendary war clan faking screenshots to justify farming you (when they could have just started hitting you to begin with).

    Enjoy your hour of fame, soon it will be over and you'll still be in the CA laughing about people "failing" but succeeding in burning your pots for a strip that will no doubt be successful.
  14. I've really enjoyed reading this thread 

    I dunno who you are or what your past is with kotfe is, but should you actually stick thru and solo a clan..

    Good luck to you. No easy task 
  15. Alison, I eagerly await your witty response.
  16. Witty? She makes schoolyard parallels and enhances them with grade school swear words. The only thing witty on an Alison thread are the posts after hers.