Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. Account on her wall lol


    I Strip you mothas
  2. lets ignore the obvious that -alison- is a spy build and all those successful attacks.

    i can only imagine how this played out:

    hey king, i don't think we are getting mentioned enough in the forums lately. It seems with this big osw going on only regs, lr, and foxes getting all of the publicity. what do you think we should do?

    Got them old screenshots of -alison- still from back when she was attack build??

    Yes i do machine king, thats a great idea to get us mentioned in forums. I'll send them to you as soon as i get home from school.

    [​IMG] GIFSoup
  3. lmao at the last line
  4. I wish weezal, sorry weezus would stick to what he said originally and not bother with this thread. I guess it's hard for gutless little turds like him to ever do what they say they are going to do. Just talk talk talk. And bum lick.
  5. Like anyone in our family needs forum attention. We don't judge ourselves by what you noobs think.
  6. Why do people use alts to talk ****? At least Alison has the balls to actually talk **** with her main. She can't back it up, but she still uses her main. Good on you
  7. Anyone notice the fake Alison on page 20? She even has "queen of noobs" on her banner. That seems like a clear intent at impersonating the real Alison. Isn't that a bannable offense?
  8. I think that IS Alison...
  9. God this is ******* ridiculous, we've heard about this... multiple times, deal with it and stop whining.
  10. Its probably -Aiison- or something
  11. I looked -aiison- is a player with no stats.
  12. -Aiison- is a newly made player. When Alison posted this half the people looked for -aiison- and it said "player not found".
  13. So Apperently it's "SS still didn't happen?"
  14. they could have started with clicking view on who hit them, following them and making sure they had the spelling right
  15. i'm trying to recall what the min number of successful attacks it takes to get the first lvl on that achievement .
    i'm betting 20 if some one was really out to screw with alison they set up an account with her name slightly misspelled. and did one of the following : reset the account to a different name then brought in a new unused account and gave it the previously used name of -AIIson- : did a quick name change then changed back after the wrong alison got blamed quickly setting up a 0 stats to make her look more like an idiot. just saying i mean check the stats it's not happening
  16. You're an idiot
  17. KotFE is jus giving alison what she wants. You guys keep getting bothered by her. Ignore it.
  18. rofl. so it's not a frame job? and yet here is this stats less account making fun of her and if you pull in on those ss's gang -whistles-