Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. Whoops nvm all
  2. Lmao @ the obedient kotfe guy on my wall.

    Listen to big chuckie, now and don't post on this thread. Don't go off your leash, little boy.


    Good boy! 
  3. Alison must be a real bad ass to have 1000v1. Like the guy on your wall said.
  4. Touch_me, grow a pair and post on your main
  5. Wait. You're not in kotfe, troll
  6. Touch

    Ts is part of their alliance
  7. Uhoh troll is gonna get spanked!!!! :eek:
  8. But chuckie said for kotfe specifically to stay off this thread, didn't he?
  9. Does TS stand for transsexual?
  10. cheers kotfe on your saving old screenshots and/or photoshopping skillz :geek:

    -alison- is like the guy in orange:

    [​IMG] GIFSoup
  11. Tho i just had to wait a full 30 secs to load..
    That is straight up COOL 
    (What a cheap shot)
  12. Alison Alison, this is the 4th or 5th time that you've instigated and started this nonsense with kotfe. We let you go after you promised each time that you wouldn't start **** with kotfe again. Each time you just can't help yourself. I just don't get it, if your gonna start **** with us again, why apologize each and every time? It baffles me. Alison you know kotfe has never started it with you, not any of those times. Each time you make a thread on forums saying we are this, that. It doesn't help your cause. Kotfe aren't that bored to make up SS and farm Alison. You put yourself in the position that your in.
  13. @ touch_me - yes it does. Our secret is out (literally).

    @ stateless noob posting gifs - Ty for proving my point.

    @ ooz - is it fishy? Yup. now let me ask you this: is it more likely that she farmed or that KotFE photoshopped an old photo?

    Now that you've dismissed the idea that KotFE wasted their ******* time when they could have just farmed her for no reason and you've unlikely determined its been set up... Ask yourself the following question: what would you do if you were her? Would you create a disrespectful hate thread and bash all the people on it doing exactly what clan mates should do (defend their clan mate, clan integrity etc), or would you POLITELY approach the leader of said clan and seek an amicable solution.

    At this point the focus is NOT on weather she did it or not, it's on the fact she doesn't learn from her mistakes, she posts before she thinks (when she does think its at a schoolgirl mentality at best) and now she's boiling in hot water.
  14. ^ perfectly said.

    Btw weezus my man,

  15. Is It really more likely that after already being farmed and making 2 apology threads to KOTFE that she would risk it to attack farm (and succeed all hits) tiny member of KOTFE subclan. And look at the player she allegedly hit. She took 100m each time, the player she hit would most likely not have this kind of gold out due to their size. Is it not more likely this is a player in KOTFE that she farmed before and has a grudge with her bringing up an old SS to get revenge?
  16. You wouldn't have to photoshop anything. A member with a grudge could simply say "I'm being farmed! Here's the proof.." and give you an old ss. Have you ruled that out? Or do you believe in the integrity of each of your members. It's not a stretch of the imagination to think a member set her up.

    You expect Alison to calmly approach you(as it seems she did in the first ss of pm) when your clan just automatically goes on the offensive without approaching her? Hypocritical much?
  17. There are many people in Kotfe with grudges against Alison, 24 Xtals a day can do that. KOTFE might not know about it and is simply doing what any clan would do; defend their member. Just look at the facts though.
  18. Too bad they didn't frame her with a fake account