
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WIDOW-MAKER-M-W, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. I have known a few allyless buggers failing and thinking their pityful attempts are a way to fight in kaw... Though this one is failing so much i don't know how he doesn't rage on his screen... Very puzzling conception of the Bushido in my honest opinion.
    More importantly, would be amazing to find out who's the main behind.
    Taking any hints guys, thanks.
  2. ..if you felt sorry for them you would help them. Not bring their pain to light for the public amusement.

    At least be honest with your own feelings. I'd guess you're feeling contempt, not pity.
  3. Hey.. I'm sitting in my bedroom all alone too. :|
  4. I wouldn't say the op is a noob but yeh thread wasn't worth reading.
  5. +2 years later and bushido clan still at it, going from clan to clan.
  6. Knob,knobby& knobhead the collective Bushido play their own way . Not afraid to attack any clan cos they simply have nothing to lose .Gold,upgrades,events are not on there agenda , attacking kingdoms & creating a reaction is . THE POINT as kissaki says has been proven .