~King's Rangers~

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by l_Shad_I, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    No no... Wrong rangers


    King's Rangers

    Now Recruiting!

    300k CS Min!

    Ah yes, Delta and I are back making clans. King's Rangers aims to grow noobs and teach me the way of KaW. Delta and I have both been around for about 4 years. We understand KaW and its tips and tricks. We hope to spread our knowledge to everyone. We will grow together as a family.


    - Be active. We all need to be active to grow. We will be doing daily activity checks to keep the clan running. Need be, we may kick inactives. However, if you're going to be inactive for an extended period, just tell an admin and you'll be fine. We aren't strict. We just want the clan to run.

    - Be kind to all. We're all friends, it's just a game after all.

    - No farming. Subject to change. Like it or not, farming hurts growth. Especially when you're tiny. So for now, while the clan is growing, our clan rule is no farming. But as we grow this will change.

    - Finally, try to be active in chat. We're all cool. A lively chat makes or breaks a family.

    Epic Battlez

    For now, T1-T4EBs to help us grow. Eventually we aim to do B2B Hauntings with equipment EBs mixed in. As our clan grows, our EBs will change.


    Why should I join this clan?

    Well, we are an experienced, fun group that know everything there is to know about KaW. We will teach you, mentor you, and befriend you. We will be a stable family-oriented clan. It's a rare thing today. Plus, our CC will be like no other. ;)

    Can I have admin?

    No, admin is earned. Help around, post ads, be active. Keep doing that, and maybe you can earn it!

    Will we be kicking inactives constantly?

    No. We will only be kicking those that are inactive for a long amount of time. If you will be gone for a while, just simply tell an admin and your spot will be safe. We only kick people to make sure that our clan does fast EBs so that you can grow quicker.

    What do I do if I'm being farmed?

    For now, wall an admin. We will take care of it. But, as we grow, eventually we will allow you to hit back. As long as it stays as a 1v1.

    Loyalty to the king.
  2. Post support!

    That's odd, the center BBcode messed up the others. Oh well, fixed.
  3. That's huge
  4. That's odd.. It seems the end BBcodes didn't register
  5. That font size though. :shock:
    Support :D
  6. Support! Awesome clan ran by awesome people.
  7. Support I'll visit with alt
  8. What kind of RP?
  9. Power Ranger RP.. Sounds cool 
  10. Fail at the very beginning !!!! power rangers ???? are you serious ???? you probably still wear underoos too !!!!
  11. Some people don't seem to understand jokes..
  12. Which one are you? The pink ranger?
  13. Of course, Delta's the blue one.
  14. Can iz be the black one :lol:
  15. Only if you become my subject :lol:
  16. We must force Zagham here
  17. Noooo.