KINGS (lol)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ILIOIRIDI-ISI0IRIAI, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. We been fighting you since start we drop your LB clan to nothing now. What you strip from us is nothing lol. You can strip the rest of my allies I still wake up and warring everyday 
  2. Hey WSP post SS of me EVER ONCE BEING RUDE IN CC ONE OF THE 3 MONTHS I SPENT THERE? Come on you just claimed I did so go ahead and post proof. I NEVER did. I was kicked because OTTO (in PM not CC) kept nagging me to send him SS of I.D.D. inc and insinuating that I was a "mole". Check my wall and you will see your members accusing me of it. Where is the proof? I never once said or did anything to show that. Ask I.D.D. themselves? I did nothing but return hits on them and hit the EB during my many stays. OTTO kicked me cause he was angry thinking that I was lying when I said I.D.D. was hitting me & I was hitting back & since he didn't believe I was fighting them he kicked me. Ever ask your admins what I said before I left. You have no idea wtf you are talking about and no proof to back up any of your claims because they are obvious lies. I'd love to know what it feels like to be I.D.D. and have 3 clans fighting my one cause I'm a scrub who can't fight clan vs clan, bring it on. You guys are peasant Queens who think you are tough based on sole numbers and cannot even keep I.D.D. pinned 3 clans vs 1, offer no protection to guests in your HTE clan, and kick them if you believe they are not helping you fight your battles. Stfu kid. You dragged 3 of your clans into a long OSW cause you got butthurt about a few INC and you call yourself a leader. You are a pathetic embarassment.
  3. He strip farm papi because didn't agree with him when he cry in forum many times about season two match up. If you can program better make your own game. I will never allow any IDD to apologize for something not his fault. He was not even talking toward WSP he just put his opinion that match up programming is not that easy. Too many variable.
  4. I applaud idd 
  5. Wsp wile u posting ss dont forget the one where i ever gave a coment to u directly in forum and dont forget the one where u call me noob thats shouldn't talk if have no idea about it towards my last post. I have my opinions u have urs it's no need for insults and I will not tolerate them towards me. And btw who is pind? if u catch me empty its because i just unloaded on someone else bad luck try next time XD
  6. Haha looks like u revealed another alt musang ...... pls stop talking though alts talk though 1 I've counted 3 haha makes u look more pathetic 
  7. Revenge you are and idiot lol. What you mean Papi my alt? He clearly have better English than me. English my third language.
  8. I'm alt? Get of pills lol seriously couldnt u came up with some better kings, maybe need some sleep after all this time?all u see is alts everywhere and people being pinned when I unload and full regen with pitiful amount of inc ur geting to paranoid.
  9. By the way I admire Bobby6060 for fighting back. He repotted today and down to 10 sdp already. He xtal on my accounts all afternoon. I'm still hitting him until he see my point of view. All Kings are always top plunder on HTE except the sealer. So explain to me why Kings not fighting for the guest nevermind fighting for you WSP. They clearly don't want to fight for you.
  10. IDD and you have no idea what yah messing with lol
  11. Lol go get 'em IDD 
  12. Oh we will get them so they learn and remember us for a long time. They need a better leader not bully and a cry baby. 
  13. Just saw ad about them...IDD should get salts to buy selas and just spy on them...Kings family is honestly the most stupid "osw" clan I've seen
  14. Will no longer consider YES for a place to go to use seals.
  15. Not that, please not that .... Lol
  16. Why am I mentioned in the topic name..
  17. Haha. Has WiT and iG made up yet?
  18. Well, if you're talking about how they took my cookie last week, then no. I want my cookie.