KINGS (lol)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ILIOIRIDI-ISI0IRIAI, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. Exactly how I feel Phoenix..
  2. Ikr dream? It just kinda falls off me like somebody with dandruff :lol: lmao
  3. 50Shades should not post while not pin. Now I'm farming you too 
  4. i am king and I would agree if he was kicked for being a spy with an open door your always going to have them... but he was kicked for disrespecting admin in cc and pm :lol: plenty of people saw it :lol:
  5. You guys with seal stay on home clan maybe make less gold but you helping your friends grow. Better to help clan mate than on random clan who only care on your seal. After that you are nothing to them. Play this game to build friends and fight beside them no matter how long. It's not about winning a war of how big or how fast you grow. Enjoy the company of friends you meet here. Never let yourself use by parasite clan like YES clan
  6. Musang let us start with the below mentioned things:-

    1. Figure out how many alts you want to use to post various replies
    2. I can help you with general English and grammar tips. So when you type you make sense
    3. Try to find the reason why someone was kicked before you give your half assed opinion
    4. Try not to jump at every opportunity to act like a teen on a rush looking for gossip. You make an IDDiot of yourself doing things like that

    And:- Do Not ASSUME ( make an ASS of U n Me)
  7. @ OP next time post the real reason why you were kicked or you may just get your face dragged on the mat for years to come.
  8. This is yet another ploy by IDD to garner attention. All kings do not post in this thread. No need to stoop to the level of IDD. Keep it in the newsfeeds IDD... We don't like fighting forum and wall warriors. Btw, musang, love your new banner.. Farming mode on eh? Then what mode were u in before? "Get my whole clan stripped mode?" ️
  9. This is the second time you kick a sealer in a month. Explain why you kick someone again? Just admit it you guys are parasite clan. You wouldn't kick him if he have the stats to fight back do you?
  10. What newsfeed WSP you guys not fighting back at all. Ask Bobby6060 how he being pin lol
  11. Give a try pinning us at least and prove your member you can pin IDD members. You are just using this recruiting technic as a plot to get more help because we farming your visitors that are using seal.
  12. 2nd time this year YES has dropped.
  13.  says the guy who's pinned lol.. Come at me.. Always at lease 50% troops for you.
  14. Last month they drop someone too for not fighting for them. Then accuse of being a spy that's their excuse. All they want if you are a visitor when get incs from us just take it and be quiet lol. You have no right to complain why they can't pin IDD
  15. I'll post whatever I want & you will do nothing about it. Hows about you focus that time on trying to help OTTO out of pin since I have kept him there since? Want the screenshots of OTTO asking me to email him all of the I.D.D. INC then kicking me after I didn't send the 3rd one he asked for? Might want to check with him though first so you don't look more stupid then you already do.
  16. WSP learn to fight your battle where you started for being a butthurt on season 2 EE war. Try to head on war with us don't keep using others to fight for your battle.
  17. You say I was now kicked for "disrespecting an admin" yet my wall shows KINGs say I was kicked for being a "mole". Why are admins asking guests to send them screenshots of inc from their wars? It's an HTE clan. You guys are pathetic.
  18. Sora. Stop bitchin
  19. Smiley aka musang..Do not make me go to forum war with you... We've already stripped you of your allies, do you really want me to strip you of your dignity and credibility to the rest of kaw? Cuz I can post some embarrassing SS's of you showing how idiotic you really are... Furthermore 1. Who said I was butthurt about season 2? And how does that have anything to do with your clan? You take half truths and blend it in your brain of yours and come up with some awesome conclusions.. Reason for why I hit papi was simple, it was for disrespect. I let him go on 3 occasions... And gave him 5 warning hits before he shot his mouth again... Then you came to me... And threatened me... Not the other way around. I stated my intentions that I will stop if papi comes to me sincerely... And I would give a 2 hr cf on him until he hears the message... You stated no I should stop or u will hit. I stated not as a threat but as a promise (which we have fulfilled) that if you hit, that you open yourself and Your whole clan to be stripped.. You still chose to hit... 2) we never ask our guests to participate in the osw. If you are a guest now in a kings clan, you are free to hit eb only, we have never solicited help from our guests... Remember, we had a clan that we were fighting you from with only kings... You decided to hit our subs and only hit guests.. So are u in an osw with us or with our guests? 3) what is it to you if we kick someone from our clan or not? From what I heard op was using profanity and being rude in cc... And was asked several times in cc and PM to stop. If op claims differently, let's see a SS and I will deal with it accordingly... If op wants to know what it feels like to be IDD, we can accommodate that too.

    Again, IDD quit fighting in forums and fight..
  20. When someone asking in your CC. Why am I getting incs from IDD. Non of your admins reply. Everyone just ignoring a guest that spend real money to buy seal. Yes we know because guest follow us to get answer. We don't need to plant spy on your clan. We just wait for them to follow us 