KINGS clarifying

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_____KING-DODO_____IlI, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Lol, sometimes I wonder if any of you have lives....
  2. Why wonder? When someone is active 24/7, they probably don't have much of a social life. I would know.

    Anyway, how is it that this fist pumping and chest pounding can continue? One would think that it gets boring after the first few times. Don't even give a warning, just show up in their news.
  3. Haha YOU got no idea how good life we got;) and kings, your have Been ON lb several Times' now, but THIS prove ONLY that your à eb clan! YOU cant fight! DODO think he can make THIS war GO ON aslong as he can, we are going for all of kings people who is With him! All have à chance to leave him now, and if you do that, never return, we Will Come back if you do..
  4. 1. You guys don't tell what Kings have done? and i just see wiggings of your side (and many posts and shoutings of Resilence etc).. DODO and other Kings haven't said anything bad, didn't offend anyone here which shows nobility.

    2. You all don't bring Arguments which would show who is wrong.

    3. Why is that a problem for you, how Kings treat their member? Nobody would follow dodo if they don't want to, nobody force them to join Kings.. All are willingly there. And i don't get why you interfere into stuffs which isn't your problem..

    4. Wendy, TRUE that it's wrong to farm members who want left. -but again, thats not our problem. Nobody attacks your clan too, just because they don't like some rules i hope?

    5. I can't say much about other players, but Wsp would not lie, i know him, he is someone whom i respect.

    6. Dodo is an excellent player. Dictatorship? Someone has to show authority, otherwise their Clan wouldn't be that successful.

    just telling my opinion..
  5. Dodo's an arrogant ass clown who broke a CF that wasn't even a month-old to hit Resilience members... And no I'm not going to rifle through a couple hundred ss to find a smoking gun on that one.

    That his pride and joy "#1" strongest clan got shattered is only fitting. He has no honor himself.

    If you don't think it's "wrong" to CF then turn around not even a month later and try to strip that clan- you SHOULD join Dodo... Get in line to be stripped naked and left potless.
  6. Ummmmm........I stripped a king 900bil today...what have you done?

    happy KAWing!!!

  7. This thread is pretty epic. I don't know who dodo is but I like the way he and the kings presented themselves.

    After reading all these posts I still can't see the justification for the amount of hate he gained. What has he done? Anyway i believe dodo wins PR points from this thread.

    Can somebody create a list of evil acts dodo committed? The ones in the post are all so vague.
  8. join the war either side u will know whats happening lol

  9. What's vague about "agreed to ceasefire, then not even one month later, broke it"?

    That isn't specific enough for you?

    Maybe that's why his "PR" works on you...
  10. CF breaks all the time....

    He said you broke it, you said he broke it. It doesn't matter...

    I'd totally understand if you simply stated that he broke CF and now he is going to pay. But comparing him to dictator? Impersonating him in his sub clan? Their cc being a dark scary place??

    That's a lot of hate for just breaking CF...
  11. So you don't think breaking a new CF is dishonorable, or calls into question the integrity of the parties involved?

    That's good to know. As a reflection of your home clan, I will be sure to consider this deviance from the normal definition of credibility when I consider anything proposed by Warriors of the Ancient Realms.

    Also- King Dodo is an inveterate liar. He lies to his own clan, and he lies in this thread.
  12. Lol... I never said breaking CF was honorable. But impersonating them is much worse. You claim they broke CF, how do I know you didn't do it first?

    Anyway I am done. You haven't answered my question and I fear you can't.
  13. I never post on forums. I always let my actions speak. Dodo,You will be my permanent farm and all your clans too. :)) have a nice and short existence in Kaw. Like the Dodo bird your days are numbered. To his clan you guys have 24 hours to clear out. Unless you all want to share in his misfortune. As BH and Krues already asked for cf. and at no point asked about your clans to be included. And they will not be!  Have a great day. :)
  14. I just lost all respect for resilience
  15. Oh noes! Some EB noob lost respect for me... Maybe I'll cry. :lol:
  16. "Impersonating"... You're just a mouthpiece for some main account that lacks the courage to post under their own name. Who's impersonating what?

    Yeah, you are done. You've got nothing to say.
  17. Dylan nobody cares who you respect. Dodo, your clans have funded my mith buying for today. So far I'm at 5 lol
  18. SirPug that's fair enough and your entitled to your opinion but nowhere does it say we need to explain our views or reasons
    We've fought against Dodo and his minions 4 times in OSW each time ending badly for him
    So we know him and them a little better than most and it wouldn't surprise me if you turned out to be 1 of there alts 
    And Dylan we care about your opinion why ? I've never heard of you until that post jog on bro 
  19. -king-stevobrick- Ranked #2 in Kings Tactics stripped naked by Infrared Serenity and CAS. and cleared by both clans Resets after being left naked Great job from IS and CAS. Keep up the great work he was one of Dodo most loyal admins just a shame dodo didn't inform them what he signed them up for
    As stated before no mercy shown or quarter given to Dodo and his minions 