KINGS clarifying

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_____KING-DODO_____IlI, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. wecome to war fellas :) no questions or complaints, it's a war game
  2. Haha nice one that your trying to get people to See that your issue With IS, that first war was your fault, not them, YOU lost, not them, and With dbd it Wasnt we WHO start hitting you guys, kings joined in à stripp ON ONE of our people, but we manange to wake him up, so thats why we start hit YOU guys! We where having fun With Kreuz and then you guys Did THIS? We Didnt cause this, your dictator Did! DODO is trying to make sure you guys See no sense, it was him eho threaten ME last time i spoke to him, he was aggresive and i was polite, so get your facts straight before you write anything your ******* noob...
  3. Ok Juice you made me post for a second time. Great work!  Maybe I didn't make myself clear the first time.

    What is death before dishonor? Is it a clan? Because I have no recollection of hitting that clan. And honestly, hard to hit a clan that has no members.

    Secondly, you keep saying death before dishonor but this is the second time you self stripped yourself to join a war. The last time being the war against KOTFE/CR. I know this because.... Yes, it was a kings member that bought the ally for you with a promise that you would buy back, which you did not. Had we known then that you were entering the war with IS, we wouldn't have helped you self strip yourself. And again, not buying back.... Self stripping... Where is the honor in that?

    Please do not post anymore in this forum before you embarrass yourself some more.
  4. Lol WSP no need to justify Dodo or kings actions just sit back and enjoy the ride.

    And for the record Dodo offered CR/Kotfe/TS assistance in War against IS we were informed by them after our war ended with CR/Kotfe/TS

    IS with all it's members has defeated Kings in OSW twice and the last one at christmas time Dodo disbanded Kings-Club as terms of surrender and I'm not counting the SoH war in that count.

    You guys lack 3 of the main components for any successful OSW
    1) You're not very organised
    2) You lack serious strip funds (40bil isn't really gonna do much damage)
    3) When or if you strip a target u simply don't have enough Spy/Hansel to clear them out b4 a clan sweeps there roster and finds the strip.

    And we're not in a hurry to finish our current conflict with BH, Kreuz and UK were having to much fun here but as has been stated in the past when this conflicts ends it won't be just IS battling it out with Kings it will be the entire -RCA- Alliance bringing Dodo and his dictatorship over his Kings to an end once and for all

    No Mercy and No Quarter will be given or shown to any kings members .
  5. Actually, we had two reasons, it was just SOH had similar reason at same time... we were getting ready to hit you guys for the usual way Dodo operates, strip farming people that leave the clan and then you continue to strip farm them when they joined our clan, so yes, we did have reason, we were just beaten to the line. They became our clan members, so of course they then under our protection.

    I just hope the person who vouched for Dodo in negotiating the last CF realises what type of a person he is now. Hi Slippers.... xoxoxo

    Lies... Lies... Lies... that is all he tells his clan members and WSP, shame on you, cause you know this to be true, showed you enough screen shots... *wonders what brain washing techniques Dodo has developed*
  6. Hhahaha he Didnt ask me to hire back, and why Wouldnt i stripp myself? I am target so when i know they have plans to stripp me i Will stripp myself and bank, you really think you got all intel? I was nice to DODO, i Didnt even try call in the favors i Did for him.. And btw why the hell Would i let u guys take My cash? Stupid kids now these days!:p
  7. Btw YOU think honor is all about keeping your allies? Cute.. Then your soon naked and have no honor:)
  8. Oh... and Death Before Dishonor I am pleased to say are allies we are proud to have xoxoxoxoxo
  9. DBD and IS are family and we Will allways fight side by side.. No matter the cause, BUT just to take down kings we do it for fun..
  10. I don't know dodo. But I have heard some very bad things about him. I hope they not true. If they are true I feel ashamed to call him ally.
  11. Alison, all you heard about him is true, and There is alot more to know.. Trust me, we are enemies you and me in THIS war, But DODO is à shame of leaders all Around Kaw, stripped and farmed when people left him is ONE example
  12. Yes Alison, one of the wars we had before was for same reason.... strip farming someone that left clan and came to ours cause his real life friends were in our clan... but, he also lied to his clan about how that war started and let them believe we started it, which I do have ss in his own words about why he strip farmed that person. I also took ss of his walls with our members asking him to cease hitting. I know I am not fighting for IS atm (health reasons), but I am still IS and he has continuously lied to his clan members for each war they have had.

    lol.... In fact, I am the one who posted all kings-lounge members walls after he strip farmed a second person who we took into clan and then the third person came to our clan because of that wall post and having the same thing happen to him.
  13. lol... and we all know how I feel about bullies lol.... *checks ally list, still a few tril to go before I get them back :evil: *... lol ... so I am one of his least favourite people.. lol.. cause I tried to help the people he strip farmed
  14. Dodo is going down... At some point in the next couple months hes basically just goung to be unable to play due to constant pinning if all account.

    His other EB clans will fall to the wayside too... No one wants to admin where they're going to get pasted 24-7...
  15. Reiterating what Whorn just said. Leave all dodos clan or be stripped. One by one. Especially those on the epic battle list. We are getting all the top earners. Yes you've heard it. Leave or stay and be demolished
  16. Now This is an outsys worth joining. Power players and ur typical bad guys. Even got bh in the mix for sum good reading
  17. Shut up, your not fooling anybody, just go away nobody wants you here.
  18. Another day passes and Dodo remains kind of irrelevant to the bigger OSW picture...

    UK CF and left, Dodo... Once Kreuz throws in the towel, where will you hide?

    We will take it ALL this time. You will have nothing.