KINGS clarifying

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_____KING-DODO_____IlI, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. When the RCA alliance has reduced it's larger distractions to the point where 3/4 of the clan's resources aren't devoted to Kreuzritter and Urban Killers, Dodo will get his due.

    Then we will see who respects what around here.
  2. Lmao at Possum proving my point. Such posts like his gain sod all respect from anyone but your clan and followers. Dodo writes well, explains things and doesn't trashtalk or backdown. That's why he gets my respect (probably doesn't want it but that's neither here or there).

    I don't know nor care why people dislike him or whether it's justified as that has no impact on the reasons I respect him. You hitting stripping and abusing him will make no difference at all.

    Next time don't twist my post if you don't want me to respond showing you upon front of your friends. 
  3. Kings be warned no quarter will be given to Dodo and his misfits of eb noobs all runners are tracked King_of _thieves Runner now naked stripped clean 1.5trill after he ran
     We are Resilient 
  4. Uh oh! Res wimpy on the warpath again. Your motto should be 'we are redundant' instead of the other.
  5. Just because DODO write good, talk good, or got good argument doensnt mean he is the "good" Guy in THIS? Then you can Say that hitler or stalin is good guys too.. They spoke good, made Their propaganda all over the World, made people to follow them just because they had good argument, BUT all of them where sick.... Like hitler and Stalin they all GO down... Down With DODO.. We Will stripp them all like they joined it, and Did it to dbd
  6. What i mean about brining in Stalin and hitler is that they are worst dictators they where bad and i Wish it Didnt happend..
  7. Lol says the crying old hag Alison
    The only redundant clan in this war is the mighty BH 
  8. Now come on wimpy. You said yourself in one of your diatribes that no thread would be complete without a noob rage from Alison, so I give you one and all you do is noob rage about it.
  9. Lol Alison that post above yours is actually laughing at u and BH no rage well not yet I haven't been giving a reason to rage  how's BH morale are u ok 
  10. What "point" did I prove? Checking your clan roster... You feel comfortable relying on Chopper07 after he bailed on BH. Interesting.

    How am I "abusing" Dodo? Dodo has brought this on himself.

    He tells a lot of lies trying to get away from looking himself in the mirror.

    He made a CF then broke it within 60-days- FACT
    He thinks somehow he going to run 4 (or is it 5) clans while in OSW and not face consequences- FACT
    He takes credit for things he, or his clanmates, can't do...

    Several Resilience members have seen Dodo's cc- it's a dark place. I can't imagine why anyone would want to be there. Who even knows what's in his black heart? Certainly I'm not going to speculate...

    The guy has no honor. None. So he shall receive no quarter.
  11. I think your jealous of Kreuz... We moved on to bigger meat. :lol:
  12. Lol, I can't believe I didn't see this b4.
    Post is an acc that was sold recently(like right around the posts that dodo provided ) and the SoH war, you jumped in our war agenst Cr/Kotfe, the Cr council is who told us 
    If SoH was not at war with u, we would of been in better position to strip ur top roster. You dodo are a special kind of dictator and I'm impressed at how far you went to make your actions seem honorable.
    The truth shale set you apart but we don't expect any more than the load of lies that he delivers every situation.
  13. Lmao at Possum - you took the time to check my profile and even clan roster to find sonething to saI've not even look at your build or clan although I've warred with n against a few resilience during my time
  14.  posted by accident so it makes no sense and can't be bothered to retype. In short possum - you're funny
  15. We fight for our own rights, we get to think what we Want. all has that right and no matter what, people shouldnt be fighting over other Belives, but DODO, his dictatorship is over...
  16. Message to dodo.

    I'm still getting messages from people in your clan asking me why we hitting. 
    Ok. Be a man and inform them that your at war and innocent players should leave or have the decency to kick them.
    Oh wait. You won't and you can't cos if you do you have nothing.
    Prove me wrong take them out of the firing line cos we at Lotr don't like hitting innocent people but nobody in your clan is really.
  17. I'm not one to correct spelling, but it gets on my ******* nerves seeing paragraphs typed like **** lmao.
  18. This is my first and probably last post in forums. I am writing to reclarify some points made here.

    1. Whether you like him or not, one thing is clear, Dodo takes care of his clanmates and it may puzzle u that we are fighting for him, but that tells u something: you might not know about Dodo as well as you think you do.

    2. We are in this war because of the constant propaganda and disrespect that the clan IS and now the resilience family shows us. Do you really think we will sit here and shake in fear because you call us stupid, EB noobs, minions?

    3. Juicedrink. Good one. Trying to justify death before dishonor's entrance into the OSW. We never attacked your clan first. We were only hitting targets at Resilience. You really think you were in our radar when our only issue was with IS/Resilence? Come on now... Hope you feel better in the morning that you've justified your lies.

    4. BMan and the rest of Resilience that said we were brown nosing KOTFE/CR in your war with them. We never joined in the war. I have no idea what you are talking about. Yes, personally I was rooting for KOTFE/CR in that war, but we never participated. If you want to believe we did, then be my guest and convince yourself of your lies.

    5. It was Resilience/IS that jumped into the war against us with SOH without reason. In that regard, you guys broke CF with us. Don't tell us we broke CF this time around because it was provoked. Dodo's SS shows valid proof.

    6. Name calling doesn't make you cool. In reality, it makes you look ignorant. Try articulating properly and maybe people will take you more seriously. Lighten up, life isn't that bad... No need to be mad all the time.

    7. I enjoy our cc and so do our clan mates. Our cc being dark could have been because we spread our resources to make Item EB clans for all of kaw to benefit. I'm sure some of you fighting against us got some items from our clans as well.

    8. We not only fight for DODO, but for our clan. We will stand together. This was not just Dodo's decision. Many of us read your smack about us and we fully back being in this war.

    So here it is, the truth exposed, from someone other than Dodo. What now? I am going to be a liar too now?

    By writing this, I understand I will become a bigger target. By I will stand by my resolve.

    Happy kawing

    Yours truly... The EB noob
  19. Amen brother Wsp. Tell it like it is... And the truth shall set you free!!! Quack quack.