All kingdoms can either become part of the M'Rania Empire, or will face our Wrath! Peace or War. You may pick.
Ok, I'm giving in to pressure. Tell me if this fits the whole thing. Kingdom Name - Protun Group Name - Protun Ruler - Cheesemuffin (Overlord) SiC - (Archon) x3 TiC - (Lord) x5 Civilians x15 Special Jobs Technician x4 Scientist x5 DM Technician (must be technician) DM Scientist (must be scientist) Tester x10 Kingdom Desc. Protun is a kingdom that has been surviving off of a single power source for hundreds of generations: a tiny piece of Dark Matter. While the DM in itself does nothing, it powers everything the kingdom has. Protun is a very technological kingdom, specializing in research and time travel. While it doesn't have much of a strong military, it has plenty of tricks. Protun - Legendary Science, Legendary Technology, Legendary RP
Cheese its Pretty good, make sure u make the group protun rp unless of course u already made it... May ur kingdom prosper
Protun is now in stasis, using the Dark Matter to freeze itself in time until people join. It is completely closed to EVERYTHING except new joiners.
Feather, join any kingdom to ur liking... O btw, pm me whn ur ready to lvl up or wall me if u dont hav pal