Kingdoms at War!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 6, 2012.

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  1. LOL friendly reminder for those that going to join bigger clan for war. Don't go into those osw clan. Seem like a lot of osw recently that involve "big" clan. 
  2. Is it top 200 in strength or prestige?
  3. ^ true! Gonna be pretty tough.
  4. It's the top 200 clans
  5. In strength
  6. lol....Resetting prestige, thank god, those noob clans at #1 and #2 will be gone.

    This sounds great, can't wait for it. About time the Devs brought out a good update.
  7. Read it they're resetting prestigegood news
  8. why would they reset the prestige if it was strength?
  9. Also, nearly everyone will get to take part in this, 200 clans can join altogether with 100 spots in each so no one will be left out.
  10. Because to compete in this tournament, you'll need to have competed in at least 8 wars since the reset.
    Also, in future tournaments, top clans will be based off prestiege if I recall correctly.
  11. Except there's much much more than 20,000 active "mains", not counting alts. There's still competition.
  12. Well I'm ranked in the 9,000 and I'm not even that big, so anyone of decent size will be able to compete.
  13. It would be good if clans under that top 200 could also have these war tournaments, only without very reduced bonuses as an incentive to war for them also.
  14. I don't want to know which clans are strongest... I want to war on my own and see how good single players are, not how many hlbc people can fit into a clan
  15. Really KaW?? Really?? ._.
  16. I understand the first part, but the second part doesn't make sense to me. Could you explain?
    As for the first, I believe it's more short of hard caps on DTW / DTS lines, there'd be no incentive to grow/actively play the game to earn the right to war.

    By hard caps on the DTW/DTS lines, I mean from say, 0-900 CS they can attack each other, from 901-3600 CS they can attack each other, etc. so you could have a tournament set around the DTW/DTS range that correalates to T2LCBC, T3LCBC, and then normal HLBC, getting the top of each niche range on that end, with some stat range in the middle of the highlands so peope working through there have a say, unless the last range includes a large portion of it. Since this isn't currently in the game though, having a general lowbie tournament I imagine will be very one-sided, as well as people posing as really weak and post-war start building their builds/upgrading, and other non-enforcable shenannigans.
  17. I like the idea, but do also agree with Miss Behavin'.

    These tournament should be expanded to smaller clans as well in the future to allow everyone the opportunity to participate.
  18. As shown by the last ASW though, having HLBC does not equal skill by any stretch of the imagination. There IS actual skill involved, especially when the stats are not one-sided, and as long as the difference isn't unmanagable, you can handle it.

    Also, outside hitters.
  19. All i can say is thank you KAW you just made my day
  20. What about when we move to the normal wars which are prestige based? Do you really want to see a final where there's a tiny clan vs a HLBC clan, both reaching high prestiege for the season from different brackets of play? (for example).
    That being said, I think it'll be interesting to see if families will interphere with system wars to try and make one side or another lose so they lose prestige/other side wins throughout the tournaments, particularly towards the end.
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