Kingdoms at War!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 6, 2012.

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  1. I got second post on this...
  2. Seems like fun, ppl complain about not having wars, then man up n sign up!!
  3. Uhhh.. This was months ago guys..
  4. 4 months later...

    Nothing's happened.

    Oh wait, I forgot, they released new defence pots! :)

    ... Oh wait, that's the complete opposite of what this is meant to be.
  5. Why no war update???
  6. @delta..third
  7. Why revive this thread *facepalm*
  8. First


    But seriously, I was first ;)
  9. Why bump this ? Lol
  10. It was already in AT
  11. THIS is the Kaw War Association brought to life :lol:
    Though not implemented yet :/
  12. This was put in. It was called weekend wars :|
  13. So you initiate no match found, reset prestige, and state you must complete 8 wars to be eligable. Anyone else see an issue with this? Good luck to all thinking your going to get enough wars in to participate
  14. look at our matchup right now devs.... seriously??? FFS i dont know how u guys match us up but you have got to be kidding me... outnumbered and overpowered? is that what you guys even call fair? c'mon now weve been doing wars for months now but there are still unfair matchups, you guys think this is a joke? you just take away our money and waste our time on a crappy war thats as stupid as the ones who made them... months passed and still no progress, either you guys are too lazy to get it done, stupid to know how to fix it or you just dont care... or maybe all...
  15. Lol where did the season wars go? After summer wars lol season wars dissapeared
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