Kingdoms At War Tutorial Series

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *IIIIIIIIiSoapIIIIIIII (01), Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Sweet 
  2. I actually really like this... Hats off to the OP!

    Simple and effective! Would love to see this as a welcome page for new comers to watch and listen instead of reading all these guides!
  3. What Paintboy said
  4. Episode 2 added
  5. Just watched both gj
  6.  Thanks bro
  7.  Support :) lol
  8. And now everyone wants the valiant knight achievement...
  9. nice :)

  10. Episode two is out? :eek:

    *puts headphones in*
  11. Thx guys and episode 3 will be out in a few hours whenever I get out if bed :cool:
  12. Bump for Info
  13. Guys quick question for the videos do you want me to do it on all three types of devices like one pc another iPhone and then android
  14. episode 3 is up
  15. Episode 4
  16. Lol silence