Yeah and believe me it's REAL how little PHYSICAL contact they'll have with girls. huh. See what I did there?
Balto and larry, This is directed at you two but many others fit the billet......I have found over many years in many places that those who yell the most that they either have something "super awesome", "they are in charge", or "I have the best toys" usually are "not even close to awesome", "have no real authority", and usually "Have a small tool" or drive those huge ass yellow vehicles......nothing personal guys...i didnt apply for the poster cause i didnt want one. But i sure as heck am not going to be-little those who do. Congrats to the winners. I hope they are all you wish they are. Thanks devs for a positive event. One for each of you
How do you know those guys "have small tools". Did you peek? Gay and're an awful combination buddy.
Tbh all the arguments on this thread are pointless. People won the posters and you should be happy for them. Society is far more accepting society in regards to gaming than we have ever been so why should we the gamers try to put down people who are similar to us. Regarding the whole these people will never get a girlfriend thing is shallow and pointless because as I have just said society is far more accepting and there are plenty of girls out there who actually like gamers. Just remember that you are spending a lot of your free time arguing in this forum so don't try and put others down.
1st, why the hell should we be happy for the winners? Is there some stipulation that requires it in the TOU? The winners have the right to be happy. The rest of us have the right to piss and moan if we don't like it 2nd, go ahead and tell yourself that society is more open to gaming now. What that means is there are more 12-30 year old males playing video games. Your statement that there are plenty of females out there who like gamers informs me that you haven't ever had a female. You may have heard stories about females, but quite obviously haven't ever had one.
I never said that you need to be happy for them I said you should. That just shows how much of a sad and how much of a downer you are. Not happy for anyone but themselves. Also the fact that you assume someone who likes games can't get anywhere in a relationship shows just how shallow a person you are. I am currently in a 2 year relationship and my gf loves me for who I am not what I pretend to be. Just think about the fact that if you can't get a girl who accepts you for who you are and what you like then maybe you are either not appealing to the right kind of girls or you just aim for the wrong kind. Idk who you are and what you look like so I am not going to say you are ugly or anything like that because I can't back it up but my other statements are based on how you acted in your last post.
Wow all I did was state the truth and poke a little fun at some gamer nerds.... And I'm accused of "throwing a fit" "having a small tool" "being jealous" I wish I could have one of these cool posters so that I didn't feel "butt hurt" about the winners. I think some of these guys like Krusty play with themselves to these cheesy anime posters and don't like it when someone puts it down
@ kezzer- you've lived with her two years and she doesn't flip when you play video games. Yea, sorry to be the one to inform you, but she's cheating on you. Or you're lying. One of the two
Lol not cheating on me nor am I lying. The incoming clearly shows how upset you are that I actually have a decent partner.