Full Support & Agreement. After having played this game for quite some time now, I too agree that this game is now dead.
6 years was a good run...angry birds, candy crush and several more rose and fell while kaw stayed there lurking. Rip kaw 2016
I've been playing this game for 4 years now. About 3 years ago are when I really remember the kaw will die fourms coming out. Over time I think kaw has improved upon some things and worsened others. I've noticed that it's harder to get new players and most don't stick. When I talk to new players and tell them it'll take years to get to bc without spending a ton they seem to get disinterested quickly. I don't see inflation as big of an issue as simply getting new players is. Overall I see many more years for this game as it's one that all groups of people may play.
I've played for 5 years and I'm only here for social side now I'm on VainGlory now where my team can win real money yeah Kingdom At War doesn't do anything except take good things away
Kaw has been dead for years and all they care about is milking. Redstar is gone and so is their biggest whale.
Any chance of a second part to kaw? Or at least a new server ? God thIs game is played out and pointless for a new player
I couldn't tell you, sorry. I didn't play GaW. I know there are a few gaw vets still around kaw though.
Took the words out of my mouth. It's true devs will let us know when they plan on no longer supporting kaw. I don't see this happening for a few years. So much has been invested and the player base is huge. Kaw could easily become the longest running app game and I'm pretty sure that's a title A Thinking Ape would love to claim. So in hindsight on page 1, I disagree, there is more than enough player feedback and communication between devs and players to improve the game, however, that doesn't mean it's easy to change. Do you guys know anything about programming??? No?? Then you don't realize that something in your mind as simple as setting up a lowland warring system is incredibly difficult. Not to mention the algorithms to calculate everything in the fastest and most efficient way possible. Shout out to the devs, for how complex kaw is and for such a low data usage, I'm throughly impressed as a Computer Science major with my Bachelor's.
Why are people so ignorant on here? Is that the default statement when you know your wrong? "do some research"? Lmao Tell me friend what "research" have you done? Lol Bc the research is there in the app store For anyone who cares to look, its under top charts then click most popular, that goes off recent downloads and active log ins.. Kaw is nowhere on that leaderboard. Not to mention you log those top war games, 1 WC in 1 of their 100 plus servers looks like kaws one WC as far as activity. Not dissing the game kaw is great, just love proving morons wrong
Oh how I love the ignorant ones. Name one app on iOS or Android that even slightly resembles kaw. I'll answer that for you, there's none. The interaction between players doesn't even come close. Kaw is its own game and comparing it's player size to other games that aren't even on the same playing field makes you look ignorant. I've played and tried most of the top war games, and no not for a day, for a few months, and bro let me tell you they are terrible. Yes, they have 50million downloads, congrats, their retention rate is absolutely terrible though, have you even read kaw's retention rate it's not godly but better than all of the competition. For example the retention rate of Game of War- Fire Age, 50million downloads overall, 26k per day with a retention rate of 4% and average play of 12 days for those who don't continue playing. You can find all of this on thinking game. Kaw has a 17-20% retention rate overall. Now if you want to get slap happy I would have to decline, see I don't like proving ignorant sacks like you wrong, I just like proving you wrong when you jump someone thinking you know what's what when you don't. For a game like kaw, its player base is huge. About 6 years of fun and entertainment and more to come, I would love to see a game this old with as big of a player base.
Ok what is this "thinking game" ? I googled it and typed in thinkinggame.com.....nothing. See my source is the app store, something everyone can view, im not just spouting random garbage with no fact just to try and win an argument like yourself. Post a link or shut up....... And on to your other rant about the games i listed being nothing like kaw......they are all mmorpg war app games, same exact class of game. Ya they all differ in some ways but i dont know how much closer i can get than comparing it to games in same exact class and category lmao And their are plenty of games around kaws age doing much better...just browse top apps.... Anything else youd like to get served on today sir?
I see where you are trying to go, but I don't see you saving face very well. https://thinkgaming.com/app-sales-data/3352/retention/ Also you didn't look at the site because all the site is for is the statistics on app games. Lmao. You're just getting mad because you need a subscription to it and I have one. You are using the app store which provides no actual data, jeez. Now who's the ignorant one. I never started comparing kaw to other games, you did. So I'm just going with the ignorant flow you started. I'm sorry that you don't like what you have started but as long as you want to look stupid be my guest, you stated it, I'm just having fun toying with your ignorance.